
05 June 2015

Crafternoons at the Camp

While the kids have been total troopers throughout our little apartment detour {although I'm not entirely sure Sebastian doesn't think our glorified hotel room isn't all of "Florida" but ... we're working on it} there just aren't enough rooms to accommodate naps for all four kids and so the afternoons with Julia and Sebastian can get a bit .... long? We can only rely on screens {a big flat one in the living room with LOADS of channels .... so dangerous} for so long because we all start to feel like drugged zombies with nothing to show for the last ?? of hours. No good.

All he needs is love and something to DO.

In our packing haste, we kept out a big box of books and absolutely zero toys like the novice parents that we are so when Kiwi Crate {post sponsor!} offered to send the kids both a Kiwi Crate {geared towards ages 4-8} and a Koala Crate {geared towards ages 2-4} again I had to be careful not to seem scarily enthusiastic with my super duper duper fast reply because the crates sounded precisely like manna from above in our time of relative need.

Julia's got the "Let's Bake" crate and like all crates included several age appropriate activities to keep her occupied for several afternoons. Her first activity of choice ....

... "dickering" her chef apron and hat. Drawing a bird fireman ... as you do.

And Sebastian's Koala Crate was a safari theme with lots of animal activities to keep him happy for his new and exciting napless afternoons ...

Sebastian warming up with a little matching game that was absolutely perfect for his skill level {which somehow found it's way under Theo's pillow shortly after Theo's nap ... third born's gotta survive somehow} ...

a fraction of the animal puppets (that he "made" with zero assistance from me) were a huge hit. He kept calling them oven mitts which ... can't argue with logic.

I also forgot to pack any sort of writing utensil so after Julia {and Sebastian, admittedly took some creative liberty with his oven mitts} was finished with these I stole them for my very own and hope people don't mind rainbow metallic written checks until July 1st.

and more "dickering" her literal sponge cake which she took very seriously. Not pictured: Sebastian ready to pounce with his oven mitts.

finished product!

and she said she was, "all out of Julia smiles" but that she had a "giraffe smile" to share.

Lucky us.

Let me give you the quick rundown on Kiwi Crate ...
+ Kiwi Crate is an award winning monthly subscription service {they sell single crates too!} created to inspire educational creativity with 2-3 hands on projects in each crate
+ all subscriptions come with free shipping
+ there are several options to choose from: the Koala Crate (ages 3-4) , Kiwi Crate (ages 4-8), Thinker Crate (ages 9-14), and the Doodle Crate (ages 9-16)
+ each month features a new and enriching theme such as space, dinosaurs, gardening, etc
+ there's a genius "no fight" sibling add-on option for $9.95 a month
+ see past popular crates here to get a better idea of their brilliant service
+ and get an exclusive sneak peek of upcoming crates right here!

But that's not all! You can use the discount code CP30 to get 30% off your first month's subscription of any crate! Just click here! It's summer ... you know you want to.

Happy crafting to my fellow craft-impaired parents!!


  1. "Giraffe smile to share" HA! She's too brilliant.

    I love Kiwi Crate! My mother in law got my daughter a subscription for Christmas and it's been so perfect! Our last subscription just came in and I'm a little sad about it!

  2. Ha! Giraffe smile, that girl is a genius :)

  3. Bash really IS Simon's twin.

  4. We LOVE Kiwi Crate!! As a mom who breaks out in hives at the very thought of entering a Michaels-type store, the allure of crafts being delivered monthly was irresistible.

    We gave our 6 year old a subscription for her Christmas gift. The only negative has been every SINGLE day she asks "is my Kiwi Crate coming today?" No sweetheart. Once a month. Once a month.

  5. Adorable-my nephew would love this! I totally sympathize with the no nap thing. Hugs to you

  6. They look superbly entertained! Wins for all.

  7. I am so stealing "giraffe smile" from now on.

  8. That last photo of Julia - adorable!

  9. Great blog! I love kiwi crate!
