
10 June 2015

now when I say freeze you just blog one time


In the vast majority of life situations I'm a big fat skeptic. A realist! Or maybe, admittedly - a bit of a pessimist. Simon is pretty much the exact opposite which might seem like it would cause some friction but we balance each other out well. Or I think we do ... he might totally disagree. But when we started getting into the nit and grit of selling the house while Simon was on night float and then realizing we'd have a little apartment layover all while he needed to be studying for his (very important) boards along with a dash of new baby! I was uncharacteristically positive about everything and Simon assumed my usual pessimistic role about how everything might go down. Maybe because he's the one studying and was the one working nights during a somewhat chaotic month or maybe after almost 6 years of marriage my negativity has finally rubbed off on him.

Who knows.

But! I have to admit that after he had to pull an all-nighter loading the moving truck by the lone light of his cell phone only to have lots and lots of things - including two drawers full of screws {Julia might come by her hoarding honestly} Simon keeps around, "just in case" ... fall OUT of said truck {the St. Louis Craigslist free listings got a LOT of Patton goodies around 1am two weeks ago .... } .... yes, I had to admit that my optimism may have been a little too um, optimistic? And the apartment is totally fine but dah-ham will it feel good to spread out in our house in a couple of weeks.

I have a point. I think.

Oh, I think being in a somewhat confined space with the kids for long periods of time along with knowing that the baby will be here soonish has magnified their blossoming little personalities quite a bit in my mind. It's been a bit like observing my own little beloved lab rats in a cage, if you will. I know the blog is already a running narrative of our mundane little life but I wanted to dedicate a (not so) quick post to this sliver of a snapshot of the here and now as far as the kids go. Or! Pen thee post that made you yawn the most. Maybe like a less exotic quirks post.

Julia (4) - She's growing up and says things like, "now, don't get carried away!" to Theo when he starts splashing like a lunatic in the bath.

She also tucks yellow mustard packets from the hospital cafeteria into my purse because she likes yellow mustard on everything and heaven forbid we are ever out and about and she doesn't have her condiment of choice at the ready. She can't live with our without Sebastian as evidenced by their hourly fights and eventual but inevitable makeups. Whenever Simon or I leave the house or drop her off at school we have to give her two kisses, two hugs, and say, "goodbye Julia" (not just "goodbye" and do not lump her in with the other kids) two times while looking her in the eye. It'll pass .... I reckon.

She declares most fun situations (like swimming in the apartment pool) to be, "the best day of my LIFE!!!" and is a total night owl and would happily sleep in till noon on the daily if I let her.

Sebastian (3) - after witnessing the baby visibly kick my stomach really, really hard I think he realized that the baby is real and might pose a threat to his worldly goods and has suddenly developed a fear that he/she is going come out and steal all of his belongings (namely this beloved truck that we recently replaced) and has taken to hiding it in various spots around the apartment when he sleeps.

Whenever he doesn't like the itinerary for the day says, "okay, no - how about this is the plan ... ???!!!" and it usually involves lots of popsicles and playground/pool going. He measures time by, "after how many naps?" (naps = nap or night of sleep) and loves being outside which makes apartment life probably the toughest on him. Call me crazy but hanging out on the balcony 20 floors up or even so much as thinking about opening the low-to-the-ground screenless windows ... is not an option - ever and I know it's killing him softly.

He's been so insistent about wanting to go to some elusive, "castle" lately. Asking me and Simon if he can PLEASE just go to the castle which totally confused us because what?! castle?! And then we realized he was talking about the fine dining establishment ... White Castle ... here in downtown St. Louis. We'll see.

Theo (2) - lives and breathes by the, "early bird gets the worm and ALL the attention" mantra because if he's not up by 6am ... I'm tempted to go check his pulse.

He's weaseled his way into a nice little morning routine involving climbing in bed in between me and Simon, making himself a throne of pillows and settling in to hold my hand and begin the inevitable ask-demand for gallon after gallon of water as if he's just returned from a seven year Saharan sojourn. If he deigns to pop off his pillow throne to peruse the fridge for his first breakfast - he makes sure I'm holding Woody's hand in his absence. It's all very endearing for about the first three minutes of the routine.

Phoebe (1) - apartment bully.

She is. She makes all three older kids cry on a daily basis as she's perfected the art of, "grab the hair right at the scalp and PULL!!!!" and does it quite often. She knows exactly what all of their specific and treasured favorite trinkets are and is quite skilled at swiftly swiping them from the hands of her elders, waving her kill around dramatically and speed-walking away with a cackle while the owner has a total cow. She does this all of her waking hours. I suspect it gives her quite the high.

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, and I don't give a diaper bomb.

No, despite that - everyone is always weirdly happy to see her in the morning when she wakes up and greets them with an enthusiastic wave and a, "hi! hi! hi! hi!". She loves to climb and if left alone for 53 seconds at the playground ... she can be found at the highest point of the play structure and has almost succeeded in giving me many a coronary.

Next week - they'll all be a little bit different than they were before and that one kid's crazy habit that drove the parental units insane will probably fade out of our memory banks forever just as another happy habit surfaces. It's hard but fun to imagine what baby #5 will bring to the Camp table but like Simon always says, "as soon as they're here .... we won't be able to imagine life without them."

Amen and amen.


  1. Oh goodness, I love this post! Updates every month (I was going to say week but that be super crazy)!!
    Julia and the mustard = gross....ha, I hate mustard! And her little routine at drop off or when one of you leaves reminds me of Megan, age 5, at bedtime.....every single night - one kiss, one hug, "goodnight", "i love you", "see you in the morning", "bye"! Now let me tell you it has lasted WAY longer than we have expected it to last and it probably sounds terrible but I am SO over it cause if you miss one step, it's over, she's lost it!
    Those other 3 well, they are adorable as always and I just love all their diff personalities!

  2. This is so cute and funny! I love watching little personalities develop in children. Can't wait to see what the future holds for your family :)

  3. These posts are my favorite! I love the little odd things about kids' personalities and their odd little habits that are totally unexplainable.

  4. Oh Grace, I love the way you love your kiddos! You're the best!

  5. I am not sure how I stumbled on your blog but I love it. Your kids are so cute, and I love reading about what they do next. Especially Phoebe and Theo because I have 2 similar in age (just turned 2 and 8 months) and I can kind of relate. :) I look forward to reading more!

    Amanda @

  6. I love this post. The sweetest and you have such a gift for capturing these little critters!!!

  7. Kids are so weird. My 6.5 year old (apropos named Julia) is really into ketchup. I have to buy the biggest one stores offer and when it gets close to halfway empty, she starts fretting and will write KETCHUP in her first grade handwriting on my shopping list. Because I am a rule follower, I buy what is on the list and one time brought home the third big bottle of ketchup (or crack, who knows) and you should have seen her look of relief to see so many in the pantry. And if we are high dining at McDs? She needs gobs of the white cups filled to the top for *each* bite of fry. Weirdo.

  8. I loved this.
    It is odd to imagine adding more children. It always seems like "where would they even fit?" , but once they arrive it really is hard to remember what life was like before.

  9. LOVE IT! My youngest is just weeks older than Phoebe and he's exactly the same as her -- the stealing! The hair pulling! (He also swipes at faces with his claws and a yelled "Ah!" and then calmly resumes what he was doing) And his brothers all love him so so much nonetheless!

  10. Ok first of all, ALL my hats are off to y'all for tackling everything you are during this time!! My husband is taking his Boards exam right now in fact.. Well tomorrow morning.. and all the studying and preparation for it has been killer on me (due to his absence so much with the studying)
    I've recently found myself wondering how Simon has approached it. If he's been studying for it over the last year and especially an insane amount (read: ALL his free time--except Sunday's which I make him take family days) over the last 6 months --- or is that just my crazy perfectionist husband who isn't content to just pass but wants to ACE it?? Ugh...
    Well y'all are doing it, and not only making it all happen but thriving! I love the updates on the kids!

  11. Love this. Now that mine are older it's so fun to think back to when they were little and see the quirks that are still there. They really are born with specific personalities!

  12. A priest mentioned in passing during a talk that a quick way to discern whether you had a vocation to Franciscan poverty was to ask whether you liked White Castle burgers. If yes, you can handle the Franciscans, so, vocation for Bash?

  13. Fresh reader here! Love your blog!!! Seriously save every post for after my little ones are in their beds so that I can REALLY read without distractions. :) good luck with the rest of the move, crazy busy Summer you guys are having!

  14. Love the perspective on this post! Gosh some phases are so hard and draining, but looking back we shall miss them too! What funny little people kids are!

  15. Somehow the pictures just sum up your childrens' personalities so well. Dat Phoebe doe... someday she will look back and read this and be like, "mooommmmm!"

    and then remind her of her adorable shenanigans and all will be well <3

  16. Darling!!! And please go to White Castle for me!! I would drive there just for those burgers but it would take like a day. Enjoy it while you have it!! :)

  17. Haha - this was SO.MUCH.FUN. I can hardly handle Phoebe's toothy little grin!

  18. I just love it! I just love following along! God bless y'all as you handle a few more weeks of apartment living! Since I live in Jacksonville Beach, FL, I can attest that although it will be blazing hot when you arrive the fall will come and the weather will cool off just enough to make this state totally worth it. I can't imagine living elsewhere. I can always visit snow! Every weekend is a holiday when you live in Florida!

  19. awww so adorable. you will be so glad you documented all these stages someday. phoebe kills me, so funny!

  20. I laughed out loud at Phoebe! It is so great that you are documenting things like this... I write (almost weekly as I remember or I can) in a journal about what's going on in our 3 year old's life... new habits, funny moments, quirks... etc. Toddlers are entertaining little humans.

  21. I love your blog! Good luck with the move and new baby. We are in a similar boat. We just moved and I am 40 weeks with baby #7.

  22. Love the "how many naps" as a measure of time! (My son is big on "what year was it?" when talking about anything that occurred the week prior. "2015, Sweetie!" It's always 2015!) These photos are adorable. It's fun to see their genuine and sweet personalities reflected through pictures and be reminded why baby/toddler/preschool aged kids are a lot of work, but are worth all the headaches since they pay in innocent curiosity and hilarious antics. Thanks for sharing and sparking me to appreciate my kids' quirks a little more.

  23. Your kids are so great and YOU are so great, and I love reading about your family! Phoebe's smile though. :D

  24. I love this post! What a great way to remember all the kiddos quirks. Not to mention how perfect that last picture is.

    I love a good Simon Says post, but his quote this time brought tears to my and not for laughter reasons. So sweet and so true!

  25. What a sweet end to the post!!! Ok now i want 5 kids.

  26. I LOVE THIS POST! I'm so glad you took a moment to write where they all are down before #5 arrives. You are just standing on the edge of the high dive right now, just waiting…it must be thrilling and terrifying and I'm sure you are just taking it all in stride where the rest of us would be so anxious.

    All these little jewels in the crown, and all of them so cartoonishly cute!
    Simon said it perfectly.

  27. This post oddly made me want to have a big family. Even though, after one, I usually feel like "that's enough"! haha! -♥- Rachel (For the Birds)

  28. Oh your humor CRACKS. ME. UP. Your stories about your children are priceless!! I love it.
