
31 July 2015

Bosco: Six Weeks Old

B's onesie - Carter's via Kidizen

P's romper - Gap via Kidizen
sweater - Carter's via Kidizen
sandals - Salt Water via Kidizen

Six weeks! Such a bittersweet age to me because while they usually start sleeping for longer stretches at night and are a little more content when awake during the day (again, usually!) ... they're starting to lose the newborn look and their little frog legs are starting to fill out. And it's time to start thinking about back-to-school shoe shopping because kindergarten starts TOMORROW. Never dramatic or nostalgic before I need to be. Never ever. 

J to the K. But, Bosco is growing up! Sort of. He's a little more alert during the day, is sleeping more at night, hates his car seat, loves being worn, and shockingly isn't a fan of being bopped on the head by his occasionally loving bully of a sister. 

Speaking of Phoebe, she wakes up every morning, looks for her shoes, looks for her power sweater (as Simon calls it), asks for, "dada?! dada?!" (thanks P!!) and then gets very serious and says, "shhhhhh" because Bosco might be sleeping somewhere in the house. Every single morning. So, I think it's safe to say she's adapted to life as an older and responsible sibling just fine. 

Simon made a (super funny) joke about Bosco only wearing one white onesie the first few weeks of his life. Funny because it was sort of true. But, my excuse was that the boys were both born during the colder months and I just think it's sort of cruel to pour him into a velour zip-up footie in July. Thankfully, my very favorite app came to the rescue and I found a grip of cute (but not too cutesie) newborn duds for Bosco which has been great because he requires multiple outfit changes a day (thanks to a whole host of bodily fluid situations). 

Kidizen is a genius app that lets you buy, list, and sell gently used kids' clothing. It's SUPER user-friendly, shipping is included in the list price, and you can find some seriously great pieces (shoes too!) that are in great shape for a fraction of the original retail price. I'd say I buy 90% of the kids' clothing there. Maybe more. 

For a long time, the app has only worked on iPhones but GOOD NEWS!!! They just released a beta version for Android users. Yep! They are working on getting it all set so that Android users can list and sell as well but for now .... get your shop on. 

Kidizen is generously giving away a $150 credit to one lucky Camp reader, right here, right now!

You know how the Rafflecopter works, by now, I hope. Best of luck!


  1. I'm laughing at my desk at work! Power sweater - I think that's what I'll call my uniform of cardigans from now on. :)

  2. great minds think a like! I just posted LUCY @ 1 month. (virtual fist bump!) i should enter your giveaway. LOVE kidizen..
    give back th e ove and enter my BIC pencils giveaway... Bash or Julia will enjoy the colorful pencils... lowly and small giveaway compared to $150 haha...

    BIC giveaway at

  3. I've never purchased anything from misused (why??) but I discovered it a few weeks ago and have at LEAST $150 worth of clothes for 16month old and maternity goods for myself in my cart. This would be perfect!

  4. These pictures are beyond cute!!

  5. I feel like the progression of these photos really shows the special bond that Bosco and Phoebe already have! :-D

  6. Checking this out you have a referral code?

    1. I have one! VGZ5P

      My shop is Chickadee Cherub 😀

  7. Those pictures are so sweet! It reminds me of my kids. My oldest daughter is so sweet and gentle and always concerned about her sleeping sister. So precious!

  8. The picture of those two crack me up! Phoebe is just the cutest!

    'Tis Our Life Blog

  9. i just slipped down your memory lane and read some residency posts. super happy you are out of those days! and super wish i lived in st. louis so i could have offered to hang out with your kids in the afternoon while you slept! no a creep!! i promise!! ;)

  10. I've never heard of this app, but just downloaded it. Also, those kids of yours? Adorbs.

  11. Phoebe and her yellow sweater, just love!
    Freshly Picked Moccasins giveaway now!

  12. Little girl #2 is on the way in six weeks or less (God forbid more, with this heat) and i'm in crazy-prep mode. Does kidizen ship internationally, I wonder?

    1. Kidizen is just the platform; the actual sellers are normal mommas like you and me. I've been selling for a while and yes, many moms ship internationally!

      Chickadee Cherub 🐥
      Check out this shop on Kidizen: Chickadee Cherub

  13. I've sold on Kidizen for a while (you bought a shirt for Phoebe from me, and I spotted her wearing it on the blog!!). I was so excited (and shocked) that you chose 2 of my items for your Kidizen featured collection! Thanks Grace!

    Chickadee Cherub ��


    Did you see this post on the Ugly Volvo blog? Totes appropriate:

  15. Aaaaand now I'm totally addicted to Kidizen!! Great recs, as always. (In my husband's words: "Is this another thing you learned from Camp Patton?" 😄)
