
18 August 2015

Treasure Island

Let's hear it for the go-getters! After living here for 1.5 months we finally hit up the beach with the whole crew. 

We drove over to Treasure Island in St. Pete with some friends and it did not disappoint. 

It was so relaxing. I was able to kick back with a book, take in the view, and watch the kids frolic around in the waves.

L to the O to the L.

Can you spot, baby B?

No, I think I sat for a total of twelve minutes and eleven of those were in the sand with Phoebe in my lap because baby girl loves the pool but does not trust the waves ... or the seagulls.

Some kind fellow beach patrons brought some shells with snails inside (I think? I'm not well versed with sea creature speak) and the kids loved their temporary pet situation ... until they forgot about them.

Phoebe like  .....

.... "YEAH RIGHT."

Bosco was a little dream baby for once in his long life and slept the vast majority of the time (we brought our old lamb seat because it folds down flat and the cover can be washed ... it was perfect) ...

Nell sent him this sweet little sun bonnet and Simon says this photo will make the readership throw up in its mouth but let me post it anyway. Love sweet love.

After Phoebe decided to venture into the water with Dangerous Dad and got her flowing locks wet. Never will she ever again ....

Recovery took a solid 22 minutes. Not even the allure of a selfie with the safe parent would soften her stone cold stare.

More snail obsessing.

Phoebe couldn't even feign interest.

Like Father, like daughter ....

but I'll give you one guess who came home with a sunburnt back. Just one!

The quadruple jogger of my dreams ...

Look at those polite Patton kids ... letting the rightful owners sit in the actual seats. Raising them right!

And thank goodness the kids wore hats for at least SOME of the time ....

... because there was a weeeee bit of parental miscommunication over who was in charge of lathering a few of the kids' faces. A mistake that only has to be made once! Thankfully we pitched no fewer than three shade shelters and called it a day shortly after noon.

We are in that sweet little spot where none of the kids require morning naps (Bosco sleeps where and when he pleases which is just fine by me, for now) and I had great expectations for the beach and for once in our lives we came prepared with the recommended gear (wagon, umbrella, chairs, food, toys, and a zillion other things) and those great expectations were met. And now I'm just hoping Julia will settle for a beach morning birthday vs. the elaborate Disney World party she's been talking up for months. And months.

Appendages crossed.

*fancy cellular photos thanks to this waterproof contraption Simon smartly insisted I use {found on Kayla's blog!}


  1. If the snails were teeny tiny, like the size of a fingernail, then I think they were coquinas. I greq up in FL and my Aunt Punky used to make all of us kids gather buckets and buckets of them and she would make coquina soup.

  2. Ha - well those are some memories, and at least your kiddos looked FAB U LOUS on their beach trip!!

  3. I'm a Disney aficionado so if you go with the elaborate Disney World birthday plan let me know! I'm willing to give lots of tips and tricks :)

  4. Good for you guys! I probably would have been so stressed just by the logistics of taking so many people and all the requisite snacks+drinks+gear+sunscreen+diapers etc etc etc that I'm sure it would have taken me at least 2 months to go.

    Love the girls' swim shirts, but Simon's trunks don't leave much to the imagination... maybe an occasion for sin?

    wink wink.

  5. Glad Bosco cooperated for you and I just love his adorable bonnet! We used to visit this beach during our annual trip to visit my grandparents in Tampa and I remember it being such a great beach for kids.

  6. Aw sounds like it was a success!!! Glad Bosco was good!!

  7. so much fun! I love the beach and wish we lived closer. So...which swimsuit did you decide on and are you sporting your new one here? :)

  8. Isn't The Royal We delightful? Also, slightly off-topic (but not really--dramatic relationships, beaches...) are you watching Bachelor in Paradise?

    1. OF COURSE. ha.

      three hours is a lot though so it takes me the entire week to get through it online. but I love every second. So so bad.

  9. Oh my goodness I love all the pictures!! I think I will have to make a special trip to a beach near you next summer! And I am loooving your karen walker sunglasses!!!!

  10. We just vacationed there a few weeks ago! It's such a beautiful gem!

  11. Oh my gosh the like father like daughter photo is just to much. I love the beach! Looks like it was a fun day!

    'Tis Our Life Blog

  12. I could not stop laughing at "Dangerous Dad" and "Safe Parent". I can very much relate. Love all these beach pics they're so great! I'm glad your first outing was a success!

  13. It looked beautiful and your posts never disappoint! Is it weird that I'm genuinely happy for yall to see you get a chance to relax on the beach? Much deserved!

  14. I adore your whole family. So nice you got to enjoy the beach!
