
15 September 2015

Bosco {and all the other kids} at 3 months

I suppose the requisite, "I can't believe he's already three months old!" with a crying face emoji would be appropriate but the truth is, just as Simon predicted, that it's tough to imagine life before Bosco (bb) so ... I won't say it.

I know I'm going to jinx his behavior by typing this but the geriatric little man is totally making up for his first several fussy weeks. He's suddenly so pleasant and downright delightful ...

I catch him smiling at strangers all the time and is always fishing for attention which I'll gladly give (I was so engrossed in a super sappy + syrupy coo fest last week that I totally didn't hear the oven timer and managed to burn hard boiled eggs ... maybe I shouldn't admit that) whenever I can.

He knows exactly when all the other kids have gone down to bed and is up and ready to party with his parental units.

And we love it.

He's still on a sort of "sleep when I want" not-schedule during the day and the old Grace-mom of Patton babies past would be going crazy with the lack of regimentation in our day but suddenly the energy required of watching a baby seems so easy breezy compared to the energy and vigilance required to watch the older kids so I don't mind at all. But, I should nip the cat naps at some point. Soon!

He wakes up once or twice at night and goes down fairly easily with the exception of last night when Simon and I were both staring at each other like it was the first night at home with Julia and we just didn't know quite how to deal with a screaming baby. Luckily, it was short-lived.

He still loves being swaddled (favorite super stretchy blankets) and will happily take a pacifier (these and these are his plugs of choice), he's a big fan of being worn, and he might be our best car baby which is SO VERY APPRECIATED. Thank you, sweet baby Bosco.

And now, because siblinghood is a competitive sport, let's take a look back at the others at the three month mark.

I think Bosco looks MOST like present-day Sebastian but after looking through these I think he looks NOTHING like baby Bash and most like baby Julia ... let's take a gander, shall we?

Julia at three months.

Sebastian at three months.

Theo at (you guessed it!) three months.

And our petite Phoebe ...

We had to get strategic about getting those thighs out of there. Also, I really hope Julia is detangling that mop of hair.

Anyway, happy 1/4 of a year Bosco! We're {still!} so glad you're here.


  1. Oh what a precious little guy! And I just have to say it: Phoebe still takes the cake in this post. So chunky and healthy. The best.

  2. Agree! He definitely looks like a now Sebastian (I actually thought that before I read your comment). Your babies are all so precious!

  3. I think he looks most like baby Julia. I just want to squish phoebe's cheeks-so cute!

  4. I think they all look different. I even tried combos but still couldn't decide who he most resembles. I am putting in a request for another comparison in 3 months. ;) Petite Phoebe, you never fail to slay Grace!

  5. Ah catnapping!! Any solutions for a first time mom with a 4 month old?? #teachmeyoways

    1. Baby can cycle every 3 hours, more or less. When baby is up, you feed, you burp, you let baby lay for half an hour, one hour (watching the trees on the backyard try a window), and then you put baby to sleep. Swaddle first ( baby will fuss), give a binkie (something for him to suck on), hold him gently, put your computer on a higher kitchen counter and read random stuff on internet while standing and rocking baby softly. If you have a noisy vent or dishwasher in you kitchen, turn it on. Baby will fall asleep. You put baby down, and you have around 30 min to do something before next cycle starts again. The end. :-)

  6. Precious! I think he's like a mash up of Phoebe and Sebastian.

  7. 'Blow it up' on Theo's fist! ahahaha

  8. That picture of Phoebe... still remember that grow phoebe grow hashtag you had going to get her to gain weight!

    Bosco looks like a mini Sebastian to me, but you are right that he doesn't look like baby Sebastian! So strange how that happens!

  9. He's adorable! And chunky-monkey Phoebe - love!

  10. Oh my word, Phoebe! That picture is terrific. I love the chubby babes. You makes super cute babies!

  11. I have a 3 month old baby, + three more kids (7, 5 and 3 yo), which means school, homework, lunchboxes, computer games, you get it. Watching a new baby cycle back every 3 hours or so is a breeze. Really piece of cake. The older kids simply drain my energies!

  12. The picture of Phoebe is SO adorable!!! Love this comparison post, how fun:)

  13. Oh my word so much cuteness in one post!!! Phoebe the little chunkster hehe. My little boy is like barely 6 weeks older than Bosco, ummm I WANT ANOTHER PLEASE haha. seriously babies are addictive. Theo was also such a freaking cute baby (I started reading right before Theo was born- yea we go waay back huh haha) I still can't unseen Robin Williams when I see baby Theo... Oh and Bash had the blue steel thing down!

  14. Bosco is Pheobe's mini me, in my humble opinion. They're all so stinking cute that I can feel my temp rising. Baby fever is the catchiest.

  15. My husband says stop giving me baby fever :)

  16. I laughed out loud at "petite Phoebe." They are all so precious, but Phoebe is my current favorite!

  17. OMG that Phoebe picture!! goodness gwashious! :)

  18. Your kids all look so much alike as a babies! Is Phoebe walking? Did I miss that milestone?

  19. I too thought he looked so much like Sebastian, until this 3 month picture - all I see is Julia! He is too cute!

  20. Pheobe is hilarious.

  21. Al your kids are so stickin cute. I started after Bash and I can't believe you have had 3 more children while I juggle my measly 2 kids. (3 and 6).
    Sebastian got Simons eyebrows, it makes him seems so much more studious or rascally or something. I agree that The Boss is Julia's mini me at quarter year.

  22. Simon!! Bosco totally looks the most like present-day Simon!

  23. He definitely looks like grown up Sebastian. Btw I'm so glad you did a flashback post. I've always liked seeing the baby pictures from other times!

  24. I agree with Jessica - totally a present day Simon!

  25. I have other things I could be doing (i.e. keeping 6 children alive and the house from burning down), but I literally came back to this post just so I could take another gander at Phoebe's 3-Month pic. And laugh. Don't tell her I said that.
