
07 September 2015

click clack

Happy Labor Day!

We celebrated over here with pancakes (I made these! while Simon made the traditional Bisquick variety for the rest of the crew) and closet purges which makes for an almost perfect day in Graceland. I usually hate 3 day weekends because it always feels like Simon is working extra long hours (not always but glass half empty forever) but not this weekend and so, my heart has softened. For now. Simon took the three older kids to see the Minions ("worst kids movie I've ever seen ... and I'll watch anything" was his glowing review) while I stayed home and explained to Phoebe over and and over again that you can only fit one shoe on one foot ... that mathematical logic just doesn't want to sink in.

Anyway. Onward and outward to the wilds of the internet.

I've never paid much attention to the Labor Day sales but ever since I bought this jacket last year I regretted not getting it in blue because it's such a great fit and has a hood that zips out of the collar so it's perfect for all the rain down here. I just saw that it's back and on sale so ... I paid attention this year.

Fine, and after seeing almost every e-person under the sun wearing various versions of this shirt ... I'm tempted to snag that too.

And since I'm always and forever on the search for t-shirts for Simon that he doesn't deem too tight/short/long/low cut (?????) ... I might have to try one of these. We'll see!

I'm so, so, so, SO excited about this!

In honor of the day's namesake ... I can't resist linking to all the Patton birth stories along with the link-up that now has 350+ (!!!!) stories to peruse. And if that's not enough ... Jenny's is a new favorite of mine. Mama can WRITE.

If there were a way to copy + paste an entire Pinterest board onto my own ... the first board I'd thieve would be this one.

I'm guessing you've seen it but this Instagram account is on fleek. Or funny .. if you speak boring adult like I do.

I won't make you suffer through an entire beach post (but there's always NEXT Monday ... ) but we took my brother to the world's largest sound machine on Saturday. The girls couldn't wait to try out their new suits ...

that the kind folks at Swimzip sent them ...

and Phoebe wanted to reign high and mighty on her beach blanket.

Aaaand I'd have more photos but both Phoebe and Bosco were in super rare SUPER high needs form and my hands were (you guessed it!) full. Next time, kids! Next time.

Have a happy rest of your day.


  1. The ruffles on that suit! Do they have it in adult size? ;)

  2. My husband and I took our friends' kids to see Minions a couple weekends ago. I read your Simon quote to Brian and he snorted and said, "I'm glad someone else agrees with me. It really was THAT BAD." (It really was. The first part was all evolution+untimely cartoon deaths, and the rest was boring action. Alas!)

  3. Love those suits! Looks perfect for my little one, the fairest in the land.

  4. Is there a Barbie mom Instagram account? Because that I would love to follow! I enjoyed the single girl version too...but I'd like to laugh at myself as well:)

  5. whatever you're using for your beach blanket. i want to know about it! so cute!!

    1. I have one just like it, actually a vintage terry cloth table cloth? Not sure where miss grace found hers but a similar one available here

  6. Oh my goodness!! Just texted my friend how I think my husband works every holiday weekend and this is his 5th year into residency/fellowship!! I know it's not true, but after getting off a 30 hour shift, I'm just done😁

  7. I totally get "I hate long weekends"...actually any weekend for the matter I hated for years. My husband is an ER doctor and typically works 3 out of 4 weekends every month - bleh.. will say that things got a lot better and my opinion of weekends has changed as my kids got older. Might I say I actually like them now - ha, never thought I'd ever say that. Holidays (as in Thanksgiving and Christmas) still suck - not having family around adds to the suck factor. Cute blanket for the beach.

  8. Thank you SO much for the awesome pancake recipe! 2 ingredients?? Sold! I made them for my husband, our 2 year old, and myself this am. Delicious!! Please keep those low carb/healthy recipes coming! PS-hope u are enjoying 21 DF. I did that and then 21DF Extreme. Love Autumn!!

  9. uhmmmm.... i should follow that socalitybarbie! hilar.
