
20 March 2016

Sunday reading

Just popping in to say hello and Happy Palm Sunday. We snagged a square foot of standing space in the overflow chapel this morning so we're hatching a plan for next week in the hopes of scoring some Easter Sunday seats. Sebastian is forever tugging on my sleeve and asking if, "it's the last song?" even if it's just the first and Julia always manages to pack more into her teeny tiny backpack than a regular Mary Magic Poppins and I'm always borderline horrified to look down and find that she's set up virtual library/doll/coloring camp before the first ceremonial sleeve tug has gone down. Hopefully those imaginary seats are near the back.

Anyway, enough about that.

I don't know if I can appropriately express how excited I am that Rachael is going to (hopefully! right? write.) treat us to a whole book of her extraordinary writing. I'll be the first in line to click: pre-order!

If you're in the market for a relatively quick and not-so-easy-but-doable at home workout ... this fits that bill.

A few of my very favorite IG ladies: One, Two, and Three!

I really wish this came in my size.

If you're not already a fan (follower?) of this Facebook page, you're missing out. I cry tears of laughter reading and watching her genius.

Aaaand with that I'll leave you ... for now.

happy remaining sliver of the weekend.


  1. My favorite favorite workouts are on No music, the husband and wife who do all the workouts are so cute(and regular people! Ridiculously fit normal people), and their workouts are INTENSE. They're also not annoying to listen to. I am not affiliated with their website at all, I'm just a fellow sahm who appreciates accessible ways to get her sweat on during nap time :) Also: hundreds of workouts for FREE. Too good

  2. I've heard such good things about that site!! Thanks for the reminder!!

  3. Did you see this interview with Ben and Lauren about the Bachelor? I thought you'd enjoy it and it's a little more in depth than their interviews on the morning shows, Jimmy Kimmel, etc. Personally, I think they're so cute together and I hope they last!
    Part one here:
    Part two here:

    1. No! You're the best!! I think they're adorable too - thank you!!

  4. Great to know that. Seriously thank you very much... such pretty awesome things about that site I get to know.
