
27 April 2016


She's been saying she's, "two!!" for months now so I guess it was about time that her age caught up with Speedy Gonzales. Phoebe turned two on Saturday and from what I can gather from her arsenal of yelly one-liners ... she had a wonderful day. I've been asking what kind of cake she wanted for a few weeks and she very consistently said, "blue" and so to make that jive with the kind of cake I wanted ... I just threw some blueberries on top of a carrot cake. Best of both worlds and I don't know that I can ever have carrot cake any other way -- don't knock it till you try it.

I thought she'd be thrilled getting her own pair of flip flops (along with a bee) but I caught her shuffling out to the car this afternoon in the trusty pair of Julia's that she loves and so ... I guess I was wrong. Oops.

It's tough to adequately illustrate Phoebe's big and fearless personality with the shy disposition that rears its pretty little head in every checkout line, time after time. But! I'll try. You know that reverse psychology that you have to use on toddlers to get them to follow you in a whole variety of situations? When you tell them, "oooookay ... see you later" and slowly walk away and pray they decide to trot and catch up with the pack? It's worked with all the other kids but Phoebe just lets out a little cackle and continues to sprint off into the other direction ... calling our bluff harder than it's ever been called. However, she's the first to come to Bosco's aid whenever she hears him crying or whining ...

and sometimes gives him more to cry about but her little heart is in the right place, I think. She's very dedicated to getting the entire family to wearing flip flops at the same time and if she catches Simon in tennis shoes or work shoes she sprints off to our closet and rectifies the situation as quickly as she is able. She's been known to bring me one of my mini bottles of moscato at 11:00 in the morning and is confused when I politely and regretfully decline her generous offer.

She lives in swimsuits and if I dare to get her dressed in non-swimming attire she asks if we're going to Mass because why else would she be required to dress in regular clothing?

I never really thought about the fact that she'd be the only girl at home during the day this year but she has absolutely held her own and brings the boys to tears FAR more than they manage to make her cry.

She calls both Theo and Sebastian, "Bash" and usually in the context of, "bad Bash!!!" letting me know that she's been wronged in double world detail. 

She was all about her birthday cake until we had to go and put candles in it ...

this looks nice, I guess.

still nice. for the time being.

mmmmm wavering.

and NOPE.

Theo was happy to blow the candles out for her. And then she promptly bit his finger, in true blue Phoebe fashion.

Anyway, happy happy birthday pretty little lady. I'm sure you'll read this some day in the future! (no, I'm not but we can pretend for fun!)


"ma-a-a-a-aw-m" as you yell at me on the daily

ps Phoebe's birth story -- if you'd like to relive that odyssey :)


  1. Happy 2 years to Phoebe! Love her spirit!

  2. Love it. :)

    Happy Birthday Cutie Pants!

  3. Happy birthday to your little firecracker! :)

  4. Happy birthday Phoebe! And how is Boscoe that big already?!

  5. Oh my gosh she has the biggest personality! What a great kid. Happy birthday Pheebs!

  6. happy 2nd birthday!! What a little spitfire. She reminds me so much of my little (chunky) 8 month old, I enjoy reading about her antics so much!

  7. Happy Birthday, Phoebe! Somehow, in the past two years the time between when you finally got to give birth and when my several-false-alarms labor finally turned real seemed like it was at LEAST two weeks. My girl turned two on Monday, though, so I guess it was...two days.

  8. Happy Birthday Phoebe! As the momma of a strong-willed girl I know your future holds so much and your momma's holds some gray hairs. But we wouldn't have it any other way!

  9. Awwwww! She's so precious! I think Phoebe is my favorite because I started reading your blog right after she was born. What a little personality! And her TINY WHITE PIGTAILS!! The cutest! Happy Bday girl! xx

  10. Happy Birthday Pheobe! She's such a character, I would love to see her and Declan together - even though he's a few weeks older, he would just follow her around and do whatever she says, it would be perfect!

  11. Shes my spirit animal! Love this! Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy birthday Phoebe! Grace- may I ask where you got your lovely turquoise rug? Thanks!

  13. Happy birthday to Phoebe! She sounds SO much like my daughter at that age. The old "ok, I'm leaving now" trick never worked to get her to follow me either. I remember trying it at the mall once and she just looked at me, smiled, and ran the opposite way. Thankfully, now at the mature age of 4 (ha) she is a much better listener :)

  14. Happy Birthday sweet Phoebe! Counting myself among the few "strange" humans that she actually let hold her!

  15. She's adorable! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

  16. So sweet! Love her little or should I say big personality.

  17. So sweet! Reminds me of our spunky toddler around here, whose name also begins with "P"...

  18. She is such a cute little girl and has quite a personality! Happy birthday, Phoebe!
