
04 June 2016


Linking up with Kelly, Kelly. Not to be confused with Cali, Cali.

1. I've been listening to The Head and The Heart's new single on repeat. And repeat again. It still blows my mind that Blythe's brother is their piano player and it probably always will.

2. Ooookay. I think my hopes were set a little tiny bit too high for The Nest. Oops. I'm a little over half way through and I'm liking it at best. I'm just trying to finish to that I can read The Assistants after someone commented how much they loved it. Setting myself up for more disappointment? Probably.

3. I'm curious how people go about reading blogs these days? I'm still mourning the loss of Google Reader from many moons ago but am coping decently with bloglovin's app but if there's a better way/feed reader/app ... I'm all blog-hungry eyes.

4. This past weekend at the beach I was such a psycho about keeping the kids covered in sunscreen that I completely forgot to put sunscreen on my legs. Ouch. I will spare you a photo of the dozens of blisters. Aloe wasn't helping a ton but I found this stuff and it's been a lifesaver. I hope I never ever have to use it again though.

5. I can't believe I'm admitting this but I caught myself aaaalmost nodding off at the end of this week's episode of the Bachelorette. Simon, however, happened to be watching with me and is pulling for Chad and thought he made a lot of good points. Agree to semi-disagree, S. Anyway, I'm not losing hope for the season quite yet. As always, I love what Sharleen had to say.

6. The three older kids have been borderline obsessed with hunting down crickets and grasshoppers in our yard (rain or shine) lately. Phoebe pretends like she knows what's going on but just scares the prey away by shrieking, "bugh!!!" when the hunters are about to make a catch.

It's all fun and games until they run into a snake. I generally observe from the safety of our roof. 

7. Last weekend I took Bash and Theo to Mass with me and may or may not have incentivized good behavior with bubbles. It worked like the most beautiful charm and am considering officially declaring my parenting style to: bribery.

I'm kidding. Mostly.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Feedly! It's been my go-to for blog reading since Google Reader went kaput (rip!)... It's free and imported all my previous reader subscriptions!

    1. thanks! I'll have to give it another go!

    2. I am a feedly lover as well. I don't know how I would keep on top of my favorite blogs without feedly after google reader went away! :(

    3. I agree with the feedly recommendation!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am a nanny and the kids love bubbles... Also can't last 5 minutes without them spilling all over the place. I found these awesome no spill mini bubble holders called fubbles on Amazon. The 6 year old held it upside down and shook it And nothing came out so it passed my test.

  4. Feedly!! It is a perfect replacement for reader!

  5. The Old Reader. Set up to have the same look and functionality of GR.

  6. I love feedly too.

    And I was also underwhelmed by The Next.

  7. Just started The Nest and now I'm not sure....! I posted this for you on FB the other day, but just in case you didn't see it:

  8. for blogs I went to Inoreader - liked it better than the others at the time and haven't looked back.

  9. Oh those babies are so beautiful! It's been awhile since I've caught up with the Pattons. I make a really good all around eczema/sunburnt/everything balm all homemade with essential oils and oodles of goodness. I hope you don't need to use anything every again either, but I'm happy to send ya a jar if need be :) Search Raw Balms on Etsy!

  10. Another feedly fan here. I tried bloglovin for about a year but finally gave up. I do miss Google Reader.

  11. I jut popped over here to tell you I was reading this post on Feedly! I love it!

  12. What's wrong with bribery? Everyone's happy! :)

  13. I was disappointed in The Nest too!!! It had a lot of potential but I felt like the plot really fizzled.

  14. New favorite re-caps: (prepare to pee your pants with laughter!!)

  15. I've been trying to figure out a blog-reading solution too!! I don't know why I keep looking past bloglovin and feedly but I just do. Maybe it's the thought of "one more app/place" to store my ish that I don't like? Idk. I'm considering giving a Pinterest board a try...since it already bookmarks so much of my favorite things. But I'll prob hate it and come crawling back to ol' b-love. OR I'll just keep 48 tabs open on my computer + phone like I've been doing lately. That seems to be an efficient system. (l-o-l)

  16. Still in mourning of Google Reader as well!!!!! Switched to feedly right after the death of Google Reader. I tried BlogLovin but never liked it. Love Feedly!!!

  17. I'm in the feedly camp, too (pun intended). I prefer it over bloglovin because feedly somehow doesn't have ads everywhere like bloglovin does.

  18. Try Combat Ready balm by Skincando. Im obsessed with that cream. They have it for adults and kids/babies. I've used it for everything from bites, diaper rash, cuts, eczema, etc. I bet it would sooth burns too. Organic, all natural, and smells dreamy. I just ordered their bug repellent, can't wait to try it.

  19. I love Feedly but I still miss Google Reader too sometimes :)
    I really enjoyed The Nest, but I had no idea what it was about going into it and didn't have super high expectations so maybe that helped. haha.

  20. Yep, Feedly is where it's at... not as good as Google Reader, but I've grown to like it.

  21. ah yes the bribery parenting style. It got me through years 3-7. then I gave up :)
