
20 September 2016



You'll never guess based on the post title and above photos but ... Julia turned six today. I say it every year because she's the oldest and blazing the uncharted trail on our parenting front but I can't believe we have a six year old on our hands because she really and truly was just born yesterday - or so it seems. We're going to wake up to driver's ed and prom next year - or so it also seems.

I remember always feeling like Julia was an especially difficult toddler or maybe I was just a new mom (probably the latter) but she's more than made up for her (alleged) rough toddlerhood these past few years and grown into such a fun little lady. I've mentioned before how much she adores school and we were able to bring doughnuts to her class at lunch today and really see her in her element which was a blast.

All she wanted to do for her birthday was go swimming and eat pizza for dinner along with strawberry cake (aka not my traditional carrot cake) for dessert. There were a couple of very last minute (aka last night) requests for purple balloons and a, "character party" and I'll let you guess which dream we made come alive. We have a trip to Legoland planned as kind of a joint Sebastian and Julia celebration in October - lest you worry she was completely deprived of a celebration.

I've always said I just didn't have the Pinterest party gene in me (though I admire and salute those who do!) but that I'd always make the kids homemade cakes, at the very least.

You want to know the origin of that cake and icing?

box and can.

And guess who is just as happy - if not happier?

Everyone involved.

Happy, Happy Birthday sweet Julia Grace! 


  1. Happy Birthday, J!! And happy six years of being parents to you two! Signed, a fellow box and can baker

  2. How can this be?? Oh Miss Julia you are growing up so fast!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and an even better year my sweet little friend. Maybe one day Miss Mary will head south and dig a few sand castles with you :)
    Mama Grace - just keep loving your babies girlfriend. You are a fab Mom. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Hugs from VA <3

  3. I literally just pulled my funfetti cake out of he oven to be frosted by Betty Crocker. It will definitely taste better than the last 3 years of homemade cakes my daughters had. Happy birthday, Julia!

  4. What a beautiful little lady! Happy birthday, Julia! Happy anniversary of becoming a (exutero) mother, Grace!

  5. When did she get so big?? She looks so much older all of a sudden.... I still kind of picture her as the tiny thing she was when I found your blog, even though u know she's the same age as my Grace. Happy birthday, Julia!!

  6. Happy Birthday to her!!

    Purple balloons and a strawberry cake; sounds perfect to me!!

  7. Just bought my boxes and cans for our almost 7 year old! No shame ever. Even for a food blogger.

  8. Super happy birthday to her and happy first birthing day to you. Why do our oldest feel *so* old? Hugs.

  9. Happy Birthday!!! I love that you make their cakes! I have yet to get there, I go store bought all the way. But, I mean, we let them celebrate for like a week. With the decorations in the house ;)

    Happy Birthday Julia!!!

  10. I just started following you! My oldest turned 6 yesterday too, how cool! Happy birthday Julia! They grow too fast.

  11. Happy birthday! We trekked to legoland in CA this summer, my 3 kids still talk about how fun it was. It was such a great park, very family friendly and lots of places to play!

  12. I can't believe she is six, what a little beauty! Happy birthday, Julia!

  13. Happy Birthday Julia! Also, is it bad that I consider a box and can still homemade?? That's how my mom made all our cakes, and they are still my favorite cakes hands down. If you stir something together, bake it in your own oven, and/or ice it yourself, it's homemade in my opinion. :)

  14. Happy birthday, Julia!! I can't believe you're 6 either! I remember when it was just you and Bash. That's when I discovered this blog. That cake sure looks yummy!! :)

  15. So crazy, I remember reading about her third birthday right here on the blog! Time flies. =] Happy Belated Birthday to such a sweet girl! (or so it seems)
