
09 September 2016

the quickest!

I normally make these quick but I'm going to make them really quick today.

Linking up with Kelly!

1. Have you seen the trailer for this documentary making the rounds on Facebook? It looks so good. (Thanks for sharing, Nell!)

2. As mentioned last week, I'm making my way through A Hundred Summers and am really, really enjoying it! I'm in the process of making a little page of my favorite books and unless the ending is weirdly awful - it will definitely be making the cut.

3. I'm having a little closet sale today and tomorrow - right on over here!

4. Inspired by Blythe Motherfiking Fike (her official name) -- I found this chair on OfferUp (an app much like Craigslist) for a steal. Not a brand new West Elm couch steal like Queen B but ... a steal. It's just beat up enough that it's perfect for our house of horrors/kittens/angel children.

5. And that sweet Home Sweet Home sign? My blog friend (that I've met in real life!) just opened her Etsy shop and she makes them by hand - in her garage. She recently had a baby and teaches full time and needed something to do with her free time, I GUESS. Anyway, girl's got TALENT.

6. And I just saw that the shelf is on clearance right now. Did I just squeeze three takes out of one picture? We all have our own gifts, don't we?

7. And on a housekeeping note - I think the time has finally come (even though I've always said never ever) to switch over to Wordpress - or at the very least - away from Blogger. Things are so clunky on the back end and tweaking anything is almost impossible and words in my posts are sticking together after I hit publish but look fine in draft etc etc etc ETC. So, do you know anyone that offers this service without a huge headache? I mean - I'm sure it's a headache but - you know -- maybe like a Tylenol headache versus an Excedrin Migraine type of headache? Is that person you?? Let me hire you -- PLEASE. Okay, thats all. Thank you!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm not sure who to hire. But I made the switch by myself just three months into blogging and it took me a while to switch all the internal links and such. I can only imagine what years of posts would be like lol Prayer's the perfect person comes along! :-)

  2. SQUARESPACE. They make it so easy. And they have helpful video tutorials. Just do it. All the cool kids are.

  3. Some hosting companies offer facilitation of the switch from Blogger to Wordpress as a service, I think... it would be WORTH IT.

  4. My husband, a software engineer, said its very simple. He found this article on how to switch from blogger to Wordpress: I on the other hand, who is trying to learn html and restart my possibility of a potential blog, says good luck and I prayer you are able to do your switch easily and without many issues.

    1. Haha that's not what I've heard from all my friends who have switched. Thank you!! :)

    2. I work at and can give you a hand if you like. E-mail me at if you want any help.

  5. I loved A Hundred Summers!!!!! The end will not disappoint :)

  6. Blythe Motherfiking Fike, oh my goshhhhh. Dying.

  7. Check out Heather at Bauer Studios ( She gave my blog ( a huge facelift and she is the queen of all things tech. She is very knowledgeable about everything related to blogging, easy to work with, and fast. I can't recommend her enough.

  8. Was totally a pain to switch to wordpress but was VERY worth it in the end. Soooo much better in my humble opinion :)

  9. Hi Grace, I do that sort of work through my company Feel free to contact me with questions, etc.

  10. This post from The Homes I Have Made might be helpful: Or at least it will make you feel like you're not alone. I myself have no experience whatsoever with blog platforms, but I do enjoy reading the words of those who do! Good luck!

  11. Switching is a headache no matter what :( I started a new blog and switched from Wordpress to Squarespace and LOVE it. I didn't actually move anything though so I'm not sure how that process would be. I had my design done by Rachel at and she was fabulous to work with and super knowledgeable. Good luck!

  12. My husband and I do that kind of stuff on the side (and are friendly St. Louisans!) Feel free to contact me for more information.

  13. please for the love do not do squarespace. its pretty yeah but ITS ANNOYING. the archives and search are majorly lacking and its just annoying af. please, grace. please.
