
01 October 2016


 zooming into October like ...


1. whatawhatawhataweeeeek. Sort of. Simon's been out of town (but comes back tonight!!) and before he left I had grand plans to paint part of the kitchen while he was gone. And then shortly after he left I decided my only goal was to try to keep my Diet Dr. Pepper intake to a minimum of two cans a day. And then when Theo came down with a violent stomach bug that kept us both up well into the night/morning I traded out my ddp allotment for canS of wine. But, it was cute I thought I could get some painting done in his absence. Hats off to you who fly solo all the time - you're a better human that I'll ever be.

2. I don't remember how I found this - oh! I was trying to watch the Bachelorette Canada but found this podcast with Luke instead. He sheds light on how he was led to believe he was going to be the Bachelor but didn't sound bitter at all and the whole thing made me like him more than I already did. Bachelor 2k18? ABC?

3. I know there's a lot to love about fall but I'll be vapid and admit I don't hate when all the shows come back to life (I see you Meredith Grey) and I'm especially excited about The Crown on Netflix - it looks GOOD. Thanks for sharing, Michele!

4. I've been getting up 30 minutes before the kids (but they're onto me! and waking up earlier! how do they KNOW) to get a little workout in and avoid the crying child(ren) alarm situation. My current poison is this cardio barre dvd - best of both worlds in my book.

5. I finalllllly started listening to Truly Madly Guilty this week and no one is more surprised than I am when I say that (whisper) I don't love it. It's still early on and maybe I just don't love audio books? I don't know. I'll let you know when I finish! I'm finally just ONE (!!!!!!!!) person away from finally getting The Girl on the Train off the library hold list - just in time for the movie to come out. Serendipitous? Perhaps.

6. I've got some fun giveaways over on Instagram coming up in the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your thumbs scrolling for those.

7. Have a great rest of your weekend!!

Linking up with Kelly!


  1. No! You're not alone. I love Liane Moriarty and was so disappointed in TMG! Skip ahead to what actually happens at the barbecue then it becomes a little easier to handle. Seriously. Hope Theo is back to his normal self.

  2. I do the same thing when my husband goes out of town. Always forgetting that it's super hard.

  3. Solo parenting stomach flu. Should be illegal. So sorry!!!

  4. Please, please, please put This is Us on your fall must-see list too. There have been 2 episodes and the debate is pre-empting this week so you have PLENTY of time to jump on the bandwagon. So. Good.

    1. I've watched them both! I like it! Don't love it -- yet! haha

  5. NOOOO... I just bought Truly Madly Guilty because I love Liane Moriarty and assumed it would be a great book worth buying. Ugh. Hate when that happens!

    1. two people have since told me it picks up! Here's hoping!!!

  6. I cannot wait for The Crown either!!

  7. I wasn't a fan of Truly, Madly, Guilty at all either! My husband caught me flying through pages after just scanning them. I'll forgive Liane, though - she's put out enough goodies already that I'll always be a fan of hers. :)

  8. Could it be the audiobook? Some books (like hers) you just have to read the old-fashioned way :)

  9. I read Truly Madly Guilty (it was my distraction during my loss) and it was the first of her books I have not liked at all!! You're not alone.

  10. I've read all of Liane Moriarty's books except TMG, and, although I didn't love the one about the 3 sisters or the last anniversary one (last two I listened to), I did take the time too look up the reviews on TMG, and...they weren't very good. I don't think you're alone here. I'm going to skip it. What Alice Forgot will always be my fave (seemed to have a little more depth/purpose than all the rest). Oh! And WHY do kids puke while husbands travel. WHY??! I had it happen two times in a row with Shaun being gone, and that's when I researched/discovered the grape juice/activated charcoal capsule miracle. Toooooo much puking to deal with solo. Plus, I don't drink. So, there was no wine to make it better. Phew.

  11. Speaking of audio books, see if you're library is a part of It's got ebooks, audiobooks, comics, tv shows, and movies. There is a monthly limit for how many you can check out at once, but if you're library system is part of it, it is awesome. No more wait lists, and you don't have to worry about returns (my biggest problem). Things automatically go back on their due date.

  12. Every single time my husband goes out of town (and he travels about 2x / month) something in our house breaks, or someone gets sick, or the dog runs off and doesn't come back for hours, or SOMETHING. One time the washer broke. One time the oven literally caught on fire. One time I was giant pregnant carrying an 18 month old and asking the two "older" kids (preschool and 1st grade) to call the dog while we searched the trails near our house. Good times. But I'm finally learning a big lesson (after about 6 years of this...) and now I set goals exactly like yours. I fed the kids something for dinner? Everyone eventually went to bed? Winning. No projects, no house goals, no new recipes, nothing but the absolute bare minimum and we all end up much happier. And, protip: if you don't use the oven, it can't catch on fire. :)

  13. No, I'm with you on Truly Madly Guilty! I liked it okay but was disappointed overall. Mostly because I really love her other books (esp. Big Little Lies!) I think audiobooks can make some books better and some worse, but my guess is that this one just doesn't quite live up to her others.

    I'm also really excited about The Crown!

  14. The Crown looks awesome, I am a huge fan of Claire Foy(she was great in Little Dorrit) and Eileen Atkins. They were both in the PBS short lived revamp of Upstairs, Downstairs. Loved seeing the Corgis as well, we have two and they are wonderful little fairy dogs:)

  15. I'll be the lone voice and say I liked TMG. Mostly I liked how she set up the story of the BBQ but kept going back and forth on the various people to keep it suspenseful. I could see, though, that it might drag as an audiobook. Girl on the Train is great - although the previews for the movie make it seem so much more sinister than the book. I'm curious to see what they did with it!

  16. I'm so excited for the crown too! There's a bachelor Canada?
