
25 November 2016

the day after

1. Happy day after Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great day and if you were working or weren't able to celebrate for any reason at all - that you can rectify that at some point this weekend. We have about five leftover pies if you're hungry - just saying. We had a great day with wonderful weather, food, and festivities. Bosco only had eyes for my champagne, Sebastian told me he doesn't like any Thanksgiving food, Phoebe ate enough green bean casserole for all of her siblings combined, Theo smelled all of the pie and asked for just ice cream, and Julia would subsist on turkey alone if we let her. Success all around, I'd say. We had Simon's parents, his two sisters (and their husbands AND our adorable niece), his brother and her wife all come down and we feel so lucky that they made such a valiant effort to be here. The kids are in total heaven.

Our Thanksgiving dress code was very formal and Bosco took it very seriously.

2. I took a few grainy cellular photos (see above and above) and if you're lucky I'll cobble together a dedicated post but maybe it's better left camping in our memory banks forever. We shall SEE. My sister-in-law, Becca, takes incredible photos and I'm hoping to snag a few from her too.

3. So, I finished The Hopefuls late last night and was really enjoying the book but was SO let down by the ending. It's as if the author just sort of reached her word quota and had 100 words left to finish things up. It's not some great work of fiction or anything but a satisfying ending would've been nice. I'm hoping Falling is a little less disappointing but I know the reviews tell me otherwise. I'm a glutton for literary punishment, I guess.

4. Are you hitting up the Black Friday pandemonium in person? (if yes, you're probably not reading this) I'm not (never have - maybe some day!) but am wondering if it's smart to strike while the online deals are hot today OR on Cyber Monday? I don't know. I did see that Amazon has my f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e sound machine on sale (I always have a backup in case of company OR in the event that one of ours mysteriously stops working after years of loyal service).

5. You know how much I LOVE my Fitbit and I just noticed that they are all on great sale on Amazon and some of them (including the Blaze, my personal favorite) are as much as $50 off. Woo to the hoo (no sarcasm).

6. Has anyone watched any of the new Gilmore Girls episodes? I haven't but I can't WAIT.

7. Anyway, I'd love to know if you're doing anything for your small business on Small Business Saturday (tomorrow!) or if you've found any killer Black Friday deals - let a lady KNOW. Thanks in advance!


  1. I'm laughing at that second photo of Bosco and Simon's mom because I noticed that the bottom 3 shelves of your shelving unit are basically bare. Such is decorating with young kids! I have yet to find something to decorate my coffee table with that will not be promptly strewn about, eaten, or broken. It looks like I have many years left until my bare coffee table and lower shelves may once again be graced with decor.

    I have not yet watched Gilmore Girls but I am looking for the very first opportunity to do so. Perhaps enforced "rest time" for the older kids who don't normally nap? They're super crabby after their overstimulating day yesterday so I could always use that as my excuse.

    Hanna Andersson has some great deals. I love their long johns for kids and their basically half price today. It took me like an hour and half to place my order because the website kept crashing and the phone lines were jammed but I was finally successful! I've also wondered if the better deals online are on Friday or Monday. I usually go for Friday because I think some things might sell out by Monday and you never know if Monday's deal will in fact be better.

    1. I second the Hanna... I know you don't need tights in FL but their tights are amazing and their very Gud shorts go under all dresses and school uniforms... you can snag those at at least 50%

  2. My mom's small business (that I help with) is an online farmhouse decor site - She is offering 10% off using the code "somethingnew"!

    And THANK YOU for the Fitbit proclamations of love! I got the Blaze based on your suggestion a month or so ago and I have been loving it! (Especially the text alert feature which wasn't even my main reason for getting it but which I am totally digging!)

  3. I always enjoy your recaps! I noticed those plastic seats/toy thingies in the group photo--I think Julia is sitting on one-- and wondered what you think of them? Reviews say they're good to use for like 100 different things so are they actually worth it? Thanks!

  4. Love your blog and all the witty commentary!

    My mom recently started an Etsy shop of baby items (bibdanas, original quilts, blankets) and she launched a giveaway today to celebrate Small Business Saturday. She's giving away one amazingly soft, plaid fleece baby blanket. Check out @froggyandthehedgehog to enter. :)

  5. happy thanksgiving! We also have that noise machine and I love it! I am having a small biz sale... ••• use code SHOPSMALL for 25% off!

  6. Is it inappropriate to list my own sale for Black Friday/Shop Small Saturday/Cyber Monday/ALL OF THE DAYS?! I run Holl & Lane Magazine which is a print and digital magazine focused on telling the stories that don't often get heard (think: miscarriage, infertility, mental health, addiction, etc.) in inspiring ways to show others that they are not alone. We're having a 25% discount on our recurring subscriptions through Monday night with code BLACKFRIDAY.

    Also, if I was able to walk around in just underwear on Thanksgiving, I'd totally do it because food + jeans is just torture. So, go Bosco! Set the tone! We should all be so lucky.

  7. Yes! Definitely doing a small biz Saturday promo in my shop. I'm so excited for all the sales on small business Saturday this weekend! Check it out --->

  8. Yes! I always love your weekend posts. I'm doing a small biz Saturday promo this weekend. I'd love for you to check it out --->

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Grace. The hubby and I are headed out to the grocery store of all places to start the prep for my families St. Nicholas Day gathering next weekend. 40+ family members and that's just my side. Anyway, we are two episodes into the Gilmore Girls and are loving it so far. So funny. I miss the fast paced dialogue and cultural references scattered throughout. It's been fun. Hugs from our family to yours <3

  10. Love your blog and family! I'm a full service travel agent. I am giving $25 gift card for deposits placed for travel packages by cyber Monday!
