
05 December 2016

Personalized Puzzle Present a la Patton (say that five times fast)

The other day Simon and I told the kids to gather round because we had a surprise for them. This is always a risky move because I fear they'll expect some bizarre avalanche of non-birthday birthday presents, a new puppy, or a surprise visit from grandparents - you know some colossal-sized surprise. But, I hedged my bets and went the surprise route because I knew they'd love what I was about to show them.

I tried to distract Bosczilla in the other room with food but - nope. Here he comes!

The non-puppy surprise was a genius Names and Faces Puzzle from Pinhole Press. I almost wish I could magically erase the kids' memories and regift it on Christmas morning because they loved it so much and it felt almost too special to gift on a non-holiday. Hopefully my kids aren't the only ones that love anything with their picture/name on it ...

The Names and Faces Puzzle comes with nine heavy duty pairs of cards in a durable and personalized box so I did our immediate family and Simon's parents - thinking we'd pull it out over Thanksgiving but I fully intend on making a few more sets with my parents and all of the aunts and uncles. The cards are heavy duty despite using a lot of phone photos - the photos are all crisp and clear.

Here we have Bosco thinking every single person is a, "truck!!!" and Theo worried that I'd forgotten him (I didn't).

Sebastian is learning to read sight words so the picture hints were a super helpful and fun way to practice recognizing our names.

Phoebe was appalled that I'd chosen yellow (or "lellow") as her card color since pink is her favorite color but please note that shirt she'd chosen for herself mere minutes earlier ...

Irony, says Alanis.

I know I'll look back at these photos in the years to come and marvel at how little the kids were but looking at them now it's hard not to say, "when did these kids get so big?!"

Alright, I had to act quick to get a snap of the whole set together with their puzzle partners ...

I love that the backs match too so that Phoebe (who, at 2.5, is nowhere near reading) can still "play" the game by putting the colors together ...

bingo. Not touching the lellow though.

For some reason I stupidly thought putting together and ordering the game might be time consuming and complicated but it was SUPER easy, I could crop the photos on their site and the whole thing took me less than ten minutes. If you want to surprise your kids or anyone at all! with a personalized Names and Faces Puzzle of your own click here and use code PATTON to get 20% off any Pinhole Press purchase until 12/14/16.

Pinhole Press makes seven different personalized gifts that are geared towards kids and you can peruse them all here! For Christmas delivery order your personalized gifts by December 14th and all other holiday products by December 15th.

Thanks for reading and a big thanks to the brilliant folks at Pinhole Press for sponsoring this post!


  1. Yes! Their stuff is so nice. Great quality and always packaged well- they make super thoughtful gifts especially this time of year!

  2. My niece lives (too) far away. I did the Memory Game from them last year - all grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was GREAT when we saw each other a few months later because she knew our faces not just from FaceTime but from the game. Love this puzzle idea!!

  3. Love this idea! I wanted to make my daughter a book for Christmas with family photos but this idea is more fun!

  4. Just ordered a puzzle. And used your code. Thanks for both the idea and the discount!
