

07 February 2017

I hope and pray you are fond of and familiar with Leslie Knope. If not - get your binge on a la Parks and Rec because it's comedic gold - if not platinum. Maybe because the show came out when I was working at a government desk job and wading through bureaucracy galore on the daily but I related oh so much and what's not to love about Leslie? Not much. Anyway, I've always wanted to celebrate a real life Galentine's Day (February 13th, every year) but an e-celebration will have to do this year - maybe next year I'll get my party planning ducks in a row. We shall SEE. 

I picked out a few of my favorite things that I wish I could ship off to all my friends and blog readers because they are all that wonderful (the things and the deserving people). I'm giving all five of the following away to one lucky winner AND a Galentine of her choosing. Woo to the HOO. 

Here's what we're working with ...

1. Nespresso - the longer I use this the more I love it and want to construct a little Nespresso pulpit so that I might preach about my love and devotion to the dream machine. Too much? Always. I've been using this "creamer" in the frother and it's amazing. Not sugary creamer amazing but pretty amazing. Shall I type amazing again? I shall not.

2. Glossier Balm dot com four pack - I can't and won't complain about Florida's "dry winters" because they are a dream compared to real deal winters but this stuff works wonders on chapped lips and I'm thinking it would be just as great and effective in super cold/cry climates.

3. Living Proof Full Dry Volume Blast - I have yet to find a dry shampoo that doesn't make my hair more oily but using this at night between washes is my favorite way to extend the, "I'm definitely going to wash my hair tomorrow" lies we all tell ourselves. And it smells GOOD.

4. $25 Amazon credit - I didn't want to force feed you one of my favorite books so you and your gal will each get 25 Amazon dollars to spend on the book of your choosing (but might I recommend one of my hand picked favorites - bottom right of my sidebar? I might, I think).

5. Voluspa Three Wick Candle - My friend Fran sent me this candle and as a self proclaimed candle connoisseur I'm happy to report that it's high at the tippy top of my list of favorites. You'll love it too, I promise.

Alright - you should know the Rafflecopter road well by now and you should also know that like my bulletin board in my former classroom (RIP) stated -- cheaters never prosper. Winner must respond to, "you won!!!" email within 24 hours of contest ending or I'll move along to the next winner. Got it? Good!

Oh! This giveaway is sponsored by no one other than me, myself, and I and my gratitude for you and your commitment to reading/skimming (something Simon JUST ADMITTED TO DOING) the old Camp on occasion. THANK YOU!!!



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. okay so all of these things i either want or have and need replacing (that living proof dry shampoo is pure magic!). i would totally share this with my newest girlfriend. she just moved to town and i'm just moving away but something clicked instantly and it's one of those friendships you just know will last forever.

  2. Would love to win this more for my best friend then for myself (although that would be great). I wouldn't be the same without her and now we are having babies 4 weeks apart from each other!

  3. I would share my winnings with my best friend who is expecting her first baby.

  4. I would share the winnings with my daughters who love lip balm and things that smell nice. But no nespresso for them -- they're too young for caffeine!

  5. I just have the tune "this is what dreams are made of..." flitting through my head right now.

  6. That book has been on my wish list forever (or ever since I read her first book... so good.)

  7. Honestly, I think I'd divide the gifts up between my three besties. I can't pick a favorite because I love those ladies.

  8. I would share my winnings with my best friend (a New Mexico resident, actually) who I miss terribly because gosh darn those college budgets and buying plane tickets.

  9. I would share with my best friend of 22 years! We are both devoted Camp readers, she's a homeschooling mom of nine, and she's turning 40 this year! She needs some pampering. :-)

  10. My sister-in-law had a baby today, so I think a galentine's treat would be a great way for her to feel pampered during the hard postpartum time (as she's also wrangling a toddler!)

  11. I'd share with either my sister or best friend–both have new babies and could use a pick-me-up... plus they would both love the Galentine's reference if I told them that's what it was for!

    thanks for the giveaway, Grace!!

  12. I would share with my best friend and neighbor! This would up our coffee morning level!

  13. Would share with my daughter who barely gets by and would love feeling special

  14. Love Leslie Knope and her Galentine's celebration!!

  15. This is such an amazing package! I've been lusting after the Nespresso and would love to try it!

  16. I would share these with my Mom! She wakes up at 4 AM every morning and drives through the snow to downtown Toronto for work, if anyone deserves a giveaway to help with the winter blues its her!

  17. I would share it with my mom--she's the best :)

  18. Last year on Galentine's we rented out a Japanese karaoke room - the best times with my girls. Since this year it falls on a Monday, these items would sure be a great gift!

  19. I definitely need a better dry shampoo, my shower days are few and far between (ew, I know). Thanks for the galentine giveaway!

  20. Ah such a fun bundle! All of the best things!! Happy Galentine's day right back.

  21. My sister, of course! As much as I love my girlfriends, I will never find a friend quite like my sister. <3

  22. This would be really fun to share with friends!

  23. I'm having a pretty crappy day at work - and I've only been here an hour. Reading this post made me smile at even the thought of owning one of these :-)

  24. I would share it with one of my bff's Lisa, who moved across the country from us and I miss her!! :)

  25. I would share with my mom! She's the best and I miss her because we live far apart :)

  26. I would share my winnings with my good friend who has been having a rough go at a new job and could use the pick-me-up!

    Also, I'm always in on the struggle for a good dry shampoo. Lately I've been loving Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk - Non-Aerosol. It works great and has no scent which is hard to find.

  27. I would definitely share with my BFF, Ginger. She just started being a SAHM mom, so all of these things would be useful for her adjustment to that life! Plus, she's my rock!

  28. I would share with my bff! We both need the coffee #toddlermom

  29. I would share this with my sweet friend who is away on a month long flight attendant traning. And when she gets back her husband leaves for a month for officer training with the army. She needs somegoodies to pamper herself with :))

  30. What a great giveaway! I'd share with my bff- my twin sister Bethany!

  31. I'd share my winnings with my delightful sister-in-law. I'm forever thankful that my big brother married SO WELL and gave me the sister that I've always wanted. She's the bomb dot com and I love her.

  32. I'd share with my sister because, well, you have to share with your sister!

  33. I would share with my sister-in-law who just had a baby (I'm an aunt!), and is in the depths of the no-sleep-zombie phase.

  34. I would share with my sister! Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I would share with my work bestie!

  36. I would gift to my best friend! We are both expecting our second babies :)

  37. I would share with my best friend who loves coffee and books just as much as I do.

  38. Love Leslie Knope! And Galentine's Day! I would share the winnings with my sister who is also conveniently my roommate :).

  39. Oh this is so awesome, I'd love to have these things and I'm pretty sure my BFF would too!

  40. I would share my winnings with my best friend! We've been best friends since college, where we both studied education, got married 1.5 months apart, were each others' maids(matrons) of honor, had our first babies 6 weeks apart, and are now expecting more babies 7/8 weeks apart (her second, my third). We moved to a different city last summer and are now two hours away waaaahhhh! ;( I miss her very much! Her due date is approaching and I would love to share these goodies with her before baby!

  41. I would share with my sister that lives on the other side of the country!

  42. My BFF! :) who is also a reader!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. What a great giveaway! So hard to pick which of my Galentines would get this. Maybe my brother's girlfriend! She's moving out of state for a few months for a new job, and I think that takes such courage and gumption! I'd love to shower her with a little love to make the transition easier.

  45. I would also share with multiple friends, spread the wealth and get more friend points.

  46. I would share with my bestie! She and I always try to celebrate Galentine's Day!

  47. I would share with my best friend of 25 years!

  48. I would share with my sister, cause I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't ;)

  49. I'd totally share with my mom - no shame. My mama's always been a real gal pal to me ;)

  50. I would share between my two best friends, Debbie & Sarah as they are such amazing ladies abs supportive friends.

  51. I would share with my husband... At least for the Nespresso. 😊

  52. I'd share with my best friend who has had a rough month so far.

  53. I'd share my winnings with my best friend - we've been sending each other Valentines since we were 9 years old, and now 17 years later, I still look forward to her Valentine's box each year!

  54. I'd share with my Mama--a girl's first galentine!

  55. I'd share with my best friend who is going through a rough time right now!

  56. ahhhhh! this is amazing! my sister is my fave galentine and she would love all of this!

  57. Love love love the items. I would share with a dear friend that could use a pick me up.

  58. Nespresso! I have wondered.... I'm pretty committed to my Keurig for the weekdays and French Press on the weekends, but the Nespresso has always called to me. 😉

  59. I would share with my sweet friend Keri. She is so overwhelmed, I know this would be a great pick-me-up for her!

  60. Nice giveaway! I always enter, I never win. I'm still a fan of Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo, but I am willing to try something else.

  61. Totally doing a Galentines Day party with a bunch of gals this year! Man how I love Knope. Parks and Rec is on constant rotation. Bored? Parks and Rec. Don't have a new show to watch? Parks and Rec. :) I have a few gals in mind to share with!

  62. Wait hold on! I commented before I clicked to see the question! Dang over eager me. I'd share with my local BFF- she's had a string of bad luck lately and could totally use the pick me up.

  63. Currently on my third time through Parks & Rec and it never.gets.old. Totally agree that having experience working for the government makes it that much better!

  64. I would share with my sister! We both have 4 month old babies (the first for us both!) and are very close!

  65. And...I would share with my best friend - pregnant with her sixth kiddo.

  66. My two sisters, what is better than sisters celebrating their impending single-hood.

  67. A few years ago Mary Frances and I met my mom and aunts and girl cousins at my grandma's to spend valentines day. It was the ultimate Galentines!

  68. I would share with my sister - what better galentine than her?? She introduced me to parks and rec - can never be more grateful!

  69. I have been wanting to try this dry shampoo FOREVER!! My bff Andrea would love to share!

  70. I would share with my sister - the one who introduced me to parks and rec!

  71. I'd share with my mom- it would be such a nice surprise for her!

  72. I'd share with my mom and sister, because it's kind of required? Just kidding, because it would make them happy :) If I'm being honest, I'd also share the Nespresso with my husband...

  73. Grace, this is so sweet of you to think about all your readers! I love checking your blog everyday to see whats up at the Camp. I would share these things with my husband, mother, and Granny! I have lots of girlfriends but my mother and Granny are the tops! :)

  74. I would definitely share with my best friend who is struggling with personal issues and could definitely use some cheering up.

  75. I would share with my BFF who has hit a rough patch - what cheer this would bring!!

  76. Maybe I should read the instructions first..I would share with my bff Andrea. She has been going through a lot lately and could use some goodies!

  77. Maybe this will cause me to start liking Valentine's Day... ;)

  78. My bff! We are both obsessed with Leslie Knope, and waffles, so it would be perfect!

  79. galentines day is a new favorite holiday of mine.

  80. I would share with my mom. Why? She's the best!

  81. I'd share with my sister, of course, my gal pal for life!

  82. Love that living proof! I would definitely share with my sister. She loves all the same products I do, and she is the sweetest.

  83. I'd share with my sister because we both despise Valentines Day and valentines day is much more our style!

  84. Yay! I would share with my mom because who better?

  85. I would share with one of my best friends who has a 3 year old and and baby... she could use some nice stuff just for her!

  86. These are all things I LOVE! I honestly had never heard of GALentines before but it seriously makes me want to hang out with my girlfriends on the 13th and do it big!

  87. My bestie is getting her PHD in special education while teaching full time in the classroom! I would share with her because she definitely deserve some self care these days!

  88. I would share with my friend who is struggling in her marriage. She could use something to smile about.

  89. Grace, you beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox! This giveaway is amazing! I'd share it with my sisters 💖

  90. Oldest daughter, for some time together.

  91. I'd share with my bestie Raschelle who is stationed with her hubby at MacDill. She deserves some pampering! The books I'd probably get are Asa Twist, Scientist and Izzy Peck, Architect ;)

  92. I would share my gift with my friend Diana. We both read your blog and love you!

  93. Would love to win this and split with my best friend who I just completed Whole 30 with!!!

  94. Hi Grace! Happy Galentine's Day to you! I would share the gift with my friend Jenny for a plethora of reasons:
    1. Leslie Knope is the female version of Michael Scott (Jenny and I share a deep love of all things The Office), thus cementing her as the ultimate Queen (sorry Bey).
    2. Jenny is searching for a job that will take her out of her hometown; a Nespresso machine in the kitchen and a brand new candle can make any new (and possibly scary) place feel like home.
    3. New town, new dating scene! We can all agree that lip gloss and dry shampoo are a necessity.
    4. And if the guy turns out to be a loser, she can always find a good book to get lost in. She's a marathon reader and I love going to her for recommendations.

  95. I think I'd share this stuff with my mom :)

  96. Love all things Living Proof!! I would share with my Mama. I always try to make Valentine's Day special for her since my dad passed away.

  97. I would share with my best friend Alison. We don't get to see each other very often and this would be a great excuse to visit!

  98. I would share with my girl A, who is bravely facing thyroid cancer while pregnant. (I sent her a link to your blog!)

  99. That nespresso!!! I hate to follow everyone else, but I'd give the give set to my mom too!

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Galentine's Day!! Love it (And Leslie Knope!) I would share my winnings with my mother, who could use this pick me up just as much as me.

  102. Mindy Kaling's book is sooooo amazing!

  103. LOVE this! I'm bringing in Galentines for my fellow librarians at work - but I would share these with my mom, the best Galentine a girl could ask for. Thanks, Grace!

  104. I would share this wonderful bundle with my sweet friend- a mother of two, full time graduate student, and recently diagnosed with an auto-immune condition. She is one tough momma. I know this would brighten her spirits in a really tough time.

  105. My sister because family is forever.

  106. This is the BEST combination of Gathering treat-yoself gifts! I would share this with my toddler-mom friend who's expecting another baby. We hold each other accountable to our super tiny coffee budgets, so the Nespresso would be, yes I'll type it, AMAZING! So generous, Grace!

  107. What a jackpot! Would share these with my bestie! Thanks Grace!

  108. I'd share this with my four sisters because now that we're all grown up and live in different houses we actually get along ;)

  109. Oopss.. gotta follow the rules! Just saw that you want to know why... I would share with my bestie, because she is so generous and loving with me!

  110. This is the sweetest, I love Galentine's Day :) I would share with my mom- she always gives everything to her 5 kids, so she definitely deserves to be spoiled! Thanks Grace!

  111. I have the perfect friend in mind to share with. Her mother, who she is incredibly close to, is on hospice due to cancer completely taking over her body. My sweet friend could definitely use a sweet pick me up!

  112. OK, you had me at Nespresso! Drooling!! Anyway I would share this with one of my dearest friends who watches my babies for me while I have to work. She's worth more than her weight in gold :)

  113. I would share my winnings with my best friend Margaret because 1) She is a super mom of two girls under two years old and deserves some extra pampering 2) I miss her - for the first time since we were seven years old, we don't live in the same state anymore :(

  114. Don't know anything about this, but I'd share with a few of my friends and my Mom!

  115. My mom! Because she deserves to be pampered after homeschooling 8 kids!

  116. We should all aspire to be Leslie Knope! I would share with my galantine of a sister.

  117. This looks amazing! I would share with my sister-in-law, who is pregnant with her second and getting ready to move across the country. I think this would be a nice little stress reliever.

  118. I would share with my sister inlaw. Girlfriend is queen of the 5pm witching hour stop by. She plays with my kids for 30min and or chats with me and pretty much saves the day!

  119. This is an amazing giveaway! I have been lusting after a Nespresso machine for months! I would share with my mom who has been struggling with her health and could use a pick me up.

  120. I would share with my friend A. She is a single mother of 2 with no help from family or the ex. A little something to brighten her day!

  121. I would either share with my sister who lives about 4 hours away from me so we could have our own virtual galentines day. OR I would split it up between two of local friends, one is a busy mom (as we all are!) and the other is a busy masters student.

  122. Oh, I already have a book picked out

  123. I would share with my bestie A. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I've needed her more in the past 6 months then ever. I'm very lucky.

  124. I would spread the love far and wide - my mama, my best girl friends. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by incredible women that I would like to shower in gifts and adorations and positive affirmations at all times, so this feels like a perfect opportunity.

  125. with my sissy, Lizzie, who taught me to love Leslie and Ron and the whole crew.

  126. I would share with my dear friend, C, who has been having a very rough couple of years and is the queen of "die to self." Thank you, Grace!!!

  127. I'd share with my sister. or sister in law. or bff. oh man. can we split the winnings? ok ok- myyyy sister. because she's awesome- and i miss her. she's moved too far away to hug whenever either of us need a hug.

  128. This is awesome! I would share with my sister who's going through a really tough time right now.

  129. I would share this with my sister who just had twins and could use some pampering!

  130. I would share with my sister who has has battled many illness this winter but somehow pushed through for her 2 little girls!! You're very generous, Grace!

  131. Oh the Nespresso! Be still my heart, I think I need that thing. I would share with my old roomie who is a brand new mommy!

  132. We recently moved to a town where we knew no one, and I was so so thankful to meet an awesome friend who has a son close in age to my son. I would definitely share with her, partly to let her know we really like her and her family, but also because she has been working really hard to pinch pennies and would love such a generous gift!

  133. I would share with my best girlfriend, Kelly. She's a stay at home mama to twin 3 year old boys and a 5 month old little girl. She rarely to never does anything for herself and she deserves a fun surprise gift. She's the best mama and friend I know and I would never survive the mama trenches without our daily texting!

  134. Do I have to share? JK.
    I'd share with my sister. Or maybe my pregnantbff. Or my gal pal who's very over whelmed right now. Or my recently married noble land mermaid who just bought a house...
    Can't decide.

  135. I would share with Jenna Guizar...both always trying to quit the Bucks. This might just seal the deal!

  136. I would share with my high school bestie who lives 5 hours away. Because she could use a pick me up and I would love to know we were sharing life together even through the distance.

  137. I would share with my twin, my built in bestie!

  138. I would share with my twin, my built in bestie!

  139. I would love to win and be able to share with my bestie who just had a little nugget of her own!

  140. I would share with Diana! a great friend who recently won a blog drawing and I was the friend she shared with! Really want to try and lipbalm and dry shampoo. Haven't allowed myself to splurge yet on those items!

  141. My sister, because it is also her birthday!

  142. I would share with my best friend britney! She is going through some medical issues and this would definitely brighten her day!

  143. All of these look amazing. Tha k you so much for doing it:)

  144. I would share with my best friend, Sarah. She's a full time working mama of a one year old and has another on the way. She could use some pampering for Galentines. :)

  145. I'd share with my sister. I already have a Galentine's Day card in the mail to her and this would be the perfect way to keep the celebration going!

  146. Yes to alllllll these things! I would share with my sister-in-law Ruth, as I routinely pass my baby off on her and this might make her forget that I never pay her for her service. ; )

  147. I would share with my friend Christine, who is one of my best friends!

  148. Ooh lovely Galentine's gifts! I'd love to win!

  149. I would share with my friend Lauren because we are both loyal Camp Patton fan girls and dry lip sufferers (though we live in Utah so you ain't got nothin' on our dry winters!). I love all things Mindy Kaling and I've read her books each multiple times but I would still consider buying them because I love them so.

  150. Would love to win, something....anything lol : )

  151. I'd share it with my sister....she's a mom of 4 boys, under 7 and she homeschools them all.....

  152. I would share the nespresso with family as I'm not a coffee drinker (gasp, I know).

  153. I would probably share with my sister because she is always so generous in her gift giving and I don't have the funds to do the same so it would be a nice treat to give her.

  154. The Nespresso would be awesome. I would share this bundle with my best friend from high school--we've known each other 27 years and she's a hard working mom.

  155. We actually just watched this episode last night! Leslie Knope is my hero

  156. I'd share with my sis!

  157. Girl! Genius. I always mean to throw a galentines affair but then, lazy. My very best friend used to live in the house RIGHT NEXT DOOR to me, until three months ago. Now she lives in another state and I feel like I lost my right arm, so this would be fun & cheer us both up!

  158. I would probably share it with my sister. Because she's awesome.

  159. I would share with my dearest high school friend. The most wonderful mother and example to me. Her friendship has meant the world to me!

  160. I'd share it with my mom! I have 5 brothers so her and I have to fight for all the girly and fun things we can get haha!

  161. I am very very interested in that Nespresso! I need an easier way to get caffeine into my life!

  162. Sarah! Because all of these things are allowed on whole30!

  163. My best friend and I still do galentines day every year!!! Best friends since 12 and now 28! Different states, and bfs but every year we still celebrate! Thank you for the chance to win :)

  164. Not an original answer, but I would share with my sister too! She has been the best Maid-of-Honor to be and this would be an excellent way to thank her for any times I have gotten a little bridezilla-ish...oops!

  165. G, your voice on here and your adorable crowd keep me coming back! Thanks for sharing with us all ❤️

  166. I celebrate Galentines day with my best friend of 16 years every year!!! We live in different states now but always celebrate! Thank you for the chance to win. You have such a beautiful family and your ig always make a me smile!

  167. My girl Kellie!!! Because she's the best :)

  168. I just read Amy Poehlers book and now I can't wait to stream Parks and Rec on Netflix. Also, I've been dying to try that dry shampoo but haven't been able to pull the trigger on purchasing.

  169. I would share with my big sister because she is the best!

  170. What a fun contest :) I'd love to share with my Sister, because she takes care of everyone- all of the time :)

  171. I had a Galentine's Day party two years ago while in grad school in Indiana. My sister, who lives in SF, flew in and surprised me!! It was amazing.
    We had waffles, inspiring Leslie knope quotes on the walls, and did crafts. I LOVE Galentine's day!

  172. Happy Galentines Day! I'd share with my sisters... as equal of a three way split that we could manage!

  173. I would share with my best friend from high school! The Mindy book is the best! :)

  174. Share with my baby mom friends

  175. awwww Galentines Day! Definitely a reason to celebrate. I'd share these lovely gifts with my bestie.

  176. I'd share with my dear friend and fellow Camp reader, Jenny!

  177. Would share with my friend who's expecting her first babe. And I would hopefully not buy 10 more of those candles I'm obsessed eight!

  178. I would share with my mother-in-law...she loves all things coffee, and trying new hair products, and candles!

  179. This is so sweet! Happy Galentine's Day to you too!

  180. I would share this with my bestie, love everything you're giving away, thanks!

  181. My mom could always use some extra pampering so I would share it with her!

  182. I would share it with my lifelong best friend Carolyn, who sadly is very far away from me now 😥

  183. Parks and Rec for life! I just got done rewatching so I'm full of great little quips like, "This is an excellent rectangle!" <3

  184. I would share my winnings with my beloved sister! She's the mom of three under three and needs some pampering.

  185. I would definitely share with my BAM besties- 3 best girlfriends I could ask for!

  186. Lovely! In true Leslie Knope fashion, I'd share it with my own Ann Perkins/office BFF.

  187. I would share this bundle with my beautiful, perfect unicorn friend becca because she rarely treats herself and i love her!

  188. I would share with my cousin/BFF/Matron of Honor/sister I never had Megan! We love reading your blog and we were JUST talking about wanting the Nespresso machine!!

  189. Woo friggin who. This would be an amazing bundle!



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