
17 April 2017

what's in a name?

This is baby Bosco -- I'm still very much cooking the current Patton baby and have the boneless ankles to show for it.

Anyway, I'd hate to be irreverent and say that I've been looking forward to Easter Monday because of this post more than Easter Sunday but between you and me -- maybe I have. Kate oh SO generously offered to do a name consultation for this baby and I was so excited because I had so much fun reading and studying and rereading the one she did for Bosco that I knew she wouldn't disappoint this time around.


Dare I say she's outdone herself?

I dare.

She totally pegged a few names that Simon and I have since brought up and I always love her nickname suggestions too. I just love talking baby names in general.

Even if you're not Catholic or aren't into Catholic baby names - she's still a wizard (yes, I read all the other baby naming blogs/sites!) and I love all of her posts.

Alright - head over and tell me what you think! I'm closing comments here but I'd love to hear from you over there! I can't wait to present Simon with the post/comments/a beer or three tonight to hash them all out. Open-mouthed cackle.

Happy Monday!!!