
22 March 2018

rest in peace, dear Gram

I'm not going to do her or her life justice but I would be remiss not to dedicate a post to my grandma as I get ready to fly up to Moline for her funeral tomorrow. If she was still alive she'd be the first to read this post and then respond via email like she never failed to do every time I blogged. As mentioned in my last post, she suffered a stroke down in New Mexico while visiting my parents a few weeks ago. She's had strokes before but this one was severe and combined with complications from flu and pneumonia she rapidly declined and sadly passed away last week. Despite knowing she wasn't doing well in the weeks leading up to her death, it still felt sudden as she was here less than a month ago making the kids laugh with her riddles and talking about if she had more time in Florida she'd help me refinish our kitchen table. Mentally, she was still sharp as a tack and while I'm grateful she suffered very little, it's hard to believe she's gone.

She left us with loads of wonderful memories and I can't help but do a bit of written reflection looking back on the full life our consummate matriarch led. While I was only around for a fraction of it, her zest for life and fierce loyalty to her family left a lasting impression on everyone she knew and loved. For as long as I can remember she organized a family reunion every summer for anyone that could come. Those summer time visits in the Quad Cities were something my siblings and I looked forward to all year long.

She took her daughters and grandkids on trips galore and loved having visitors. For as rough as the residency years were for us, we were so grateful to be driving distance from her (and Simon's grandpa until he moved!) and the kids loved going to see GG. Gram was the quintessential hostess and set the bar high on that front for future me. No detail was ever forgotten and if we were ever in town near a birthday or holiday she made sure that it was celebrated in proper style. I'm forever grateful that our kids got to see experience the reunions firsthand and the older kids will most certainly remember her in her summertime glory.

Some of Simon and my first memories as a couple were spent in the Quad Cities with his grandpa and my grandma.

We'll forever cherish those special trips and reminisce about them often.

We love and miss you so much, dear Gram. The kids have so many fond memories with you and we feel lucky to have gotten so much quality time with you.


  1. So sorry for the loss of your dear Gram. Grandmothers are so precious, and I know that she will continue to influence you as you follow her beautiful example.

  2. So very sorry for you and your family’s loss. I always loved seeing her interactions with the babes. Grandparents are so special, but especially those great-grandparents. ❤️

  3. Oh Grace, I'm so sorry for your loss. Everything you've shared of her told that she lived a beautiful life. May she rest in peace, and prayers for your family!

  4. I'm so sorry to read this, Grace. Prayers for you and your family and your dear Gram!

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. I think that death always feel sudden, even when expected. It is so hard. You and your family are in my prayers.

  6. My heart goes out to your family. So much loss sucks. What a beautiful tribute to your Grandma — I’m glad the big kids have memories of how much she loved them. I lost my dad and grandparents in a very short timeframe, and it is hard. xoxo

  7. Oh what a lovely tribute to your gram!!! I am so sorry for your loss <3

  8. Oh Grace, I am so so sorry for another loss for you. I always thought your Gram seemed like the coolest--I will pray for the repose of her soul today and for your whole family.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this. We are expecting snow this weekend so pack warmly. If you need anything while you are in the QCA please let me know. (Internet stranger that I am.)

  10. I am so sorry to hear this Grace. May perpetual light shine upon her.

  11. What a legacy! I feel lucky to have known GG through your blog and I'm sending prayers your way.

  12. Oh so sorry for your loss! Grandparents are such special people and some of my favorite memories with mine are just the last few years when they got to meet and play with my son. So special you have so many of those memories!

  13. So sorry for you and your family. She seemed like a wonderful lady.

  14. Oh my dear Grace - I am so very sorry for your loss. May your beautiful Gram be at peace.

  15. She's beautiful, Grace. I'm so sorry for your loss. Eternal rest, Grant unto her, Oh Lord!

  16. My condolences to you and your family. What a kind and beautiful woman!

  17. Reading this gave me such heartache and chest pain... I can only imagine your heartache... I'm sorry to hear this. RIP and prayers for your family and GG +

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. Grandma's are truly irreplaceable and leave a hole in our hearts when they go to Heaven.

  19. Condolences to you and your family, Grace. What a wonderful, caring and giving person she was! God rest her soul.
