
23 May 2018

the great bedroom rearrange of 2k18: part I

Oh, I can already sense your excitement. I can. Now that we're about to pack them all up I thought it would be the perfect time for you to see them in their unnatural habitat which is: clean.

So, a few months ago it was more than time to kick Abe out of our room. When we start having to tip toe around our own room to brush our teeth and slither into bed just so in the hopes of not waking the sleeping dragon ... it's time. The problem was ... I didn't know where to put him. I didn't want to put him in with Bosco since they are the only two that still consistently nap at the same time every day but Bosco did have the largest kids room (riddle me that -- I don't know how that happened) and a crib wouldn't fit in with the older boys but it would fit in with the girls so after measuring cribs and beds and rooms I finally had it all figured out. I just deleted a long and complicated explanation of my thought process that made me yawn upon immediate reread so I'll just tell you for now that Bosco ended up moving into the older boys old room (the smallest room of the three). Solo! Lucky duck.

I was so focused on getting the older kids' rooms perfectly arranged so that beds and at least one dresser could fit in each room that this room felt like a bit of an afterthought slash catchall but I think I ended up liking how it turned out the very best. Don't tell the other rooms.

It might have to do with the fact that of all the dressers I've repainted - this one seems to have held up the best despite taking quite the small handed beating over the past year or so.

I found the hardware at Target and will admit I have a little stash stowed away in case I need to replace a lost pull or knob and I can't find them in stock.

The rug was an eBay find and I looked at that specific crib on a few websites, read lots of great reviews, and pounced when it went on sale. I'm bummed I didn't ask Bianca to get a photo of the glider and bookshelves but you can get a decent idea of the corner from - Oh! No, actually here's a photo from January that I took. The photo quality is outstanding ...

Simon built those shelves back in St. Louis and unless the new owner asks us to leave them here - we'll take them again because they're great.

Alright, but maybe my favorite part of the room is this sweet ABC saints print that I found on Etsy (bought on my own and #notsponsored). It's fun to point out different saints while changing diapers (well, maybe not fun but something to distract babies that like to flail all over the place) and I just love it.

And thus concludes the tiny "nursery" (for an almost 3yo) tour. Bosco will definitely be moving in with his older brothers in our new house and Abe will definitely be sleeping in his own room since Phoebe can't help but wake him when "sleeping" mere feet away. Lessons learned! Never a bad thing.

Excited for room reveal numero dos?

Don't answer that. I already know the answer is yes. 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, love that crib! I've been reading everything I can get my hands on about cribs so I can finally add one to my registry so I'll definitely be checking this one out. Love how the room turned out!
