
30 January 2019

checking in!

1. HEY! I had a baby! Well over a month ago and I'm sorry I didn't alert the masses via blog medium but I have been sufficiently obnoxious about him over on good old Instagram. I remember long ago when someone predicted Instagram would kill blogs and I feigned a horrified-hand-to-chest move because I didn't think it would ever be possible but welcome to 2019, Grace No Foresight Patton.

We'll pretend these are Valentine's PJs vs the Christmas truth.

2. So, the baby! His name is Clement Joseph and he was born on Dec 11th last year. He weighed six pounds and one ounce and I should probably save all of that for his birth story that I'm in the middle of typing (but would rather pound out a quick hello than actually finish it because my charism is procrastination) but I swear (by the moon and the stars in the sky) that the next post I publish will definitely be his birth story.

3. He's seven weeks old and I'm feeling hopeful that we'll establish some semblance of a schedule SOON. Or ... soonish at the very least. We've had our best week yet and I even started flirting with the idea of painting our back stairwell once said routine is established. Maybe. But - baby steps Grace, teeny tiny baby steps.

4. I've been ITCHING (yes, all caps is necessary) to blog and have lots of house photos to share but blogging naturally takes a back seat to everything else these days. Maybe I should stop waking up 2 seconds before I need to get the kids up for school or make better use of the time after the kids have gone to bed -- novel concepts! I'll figure it out.

5. Have you read anything you couldn't put down lately? I keep hearing about how wonderful Where the Crawdads Sing is and that's next on my docket after I finish Hard Times for book club. We watched both Fyre Festival documentaries and were "befumbled" (to take a made up word from Hannah B from the Bachelor) but have not watched Marie Kondo's show quite yet.

6. I have to begrudgingly admit that I'm liking Colton so much more than I thought I would when he was announced as the Bachelor. My favorites are Cassie and Elyse (I saw on her IG that one of her rose ceremony dresses cost her $4.50 from Goodwill - amazing!) but I like Hannah G too. Sharleen never disappoints, of course!

7. I ordered these jeans to try to motivate me to get out of my daily uniform of ... maternity sweat pants (those are a thing - and they are wonderful) and .. it worked! Two sizes up from my normal size and I ordered the petite so they were more of an ankle length which I prefer and I love them. I was pleased to see Old Navy has jumped on the neckerchief train too - I might have to give that trend a go. I keep seeing people share these Lululemon dupes from Amazon and I'm wondering if they might be a nice transition out of maternity sweats while possibly motivating me to exercise on occasion (I'm loving the free Pop Sugar Fitness videos on Facebook - for the one of you that hasn't seen them!)? Wondering ... we'll see if they live up to the hype!

Hope you're staying warm wherever you are! It's supposed to warm up here this weekend but that seems impossible because it's SO cold right now!

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I should give in and read where the crawdads sing huh...
    Have you read EDUCATED? I am just now reading it...

  2. Still prefer blogs to Instagram! Welcome back here!

  3. Uprooted and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik are both FANTASTIC -- they're fairytale retellings? sort of? and I've been recommending them left and right since I read them and everyone I know has loved them both. (Uprooted about Beauty and the Beast, and Spinning Silver about Rumplestiltskin.) :)

  4. Love Does by Bob Goff - I laughed and cried through it. Also The Gospel Comes with a House Key is a thought provoking read.

  5. Oh my goodness, just love that picture of the kids, Grace. And I may have to try those leggings since they are a much more reasonable cost!

  6. So glad to see you back at it on your blog! And can't wait for the birth story! ;)

  7. That is an ADORABLE picture of your kids, congratulations!!! I just finished The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker and it was great!

  8. Congratulations! I looked at the picture of all the kiddos and thought about how long you have been sharing your family with us. So adorable.

  9. I love the matching PJ's! Someone on my c-section moms group suggested these jeans and I love what they do to my post-children belly - they have a wide elastic waistband (almost like yoga pants) but look like regular skinny jeans when you are wearing them.

  10. Where the crawdads sing is great!

    Do you have a favorite baby pajama brand that doesn’t break the bank? My baby is now 9 months and has outgrown the target brand (I’m not a huge fan of the target or carters brand). I ordered the organics one you mentioned on Insta (the camel colored ones you had clement in) and I really liked those but at $20/each we’d be over $100 and not even at a weeks worth. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!

  11. What Alice Forgot was impossible for me to put down.

  12. The Amazon leggings are really good!

  13. Where the Crawdads Sing was excellent! You need to read it next :) it was one of my favorites last year

  14. Those leggings absolutely live up to the hype. They are amazing. try to find ways to wear them to work, but my students may judge me. :)

  15. Where the Crawdads Sing is great! Ending is fabulous!

  16. I'm in the middle of My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry by Backman and like all of his other books I've read, I'm not disappointed. oldie, aka 2005, that I'm reading is Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac about the Navajo Indians who were on the front lines communicating in Navajo during WWII. Two v v different novels, but both v good.
