
20 January 2020

and so this is still January

1. Even though last week seemed to fly by it still feels like we should be a teeny bit closer to February than we are which feels about right for January, you know? You do. The appropriately awful January weather is upon us and I find myself checking the 10 day forecast before I do anything else in the morning with the hope that we'll have another 60 degree miracle. No such luck, yet.

2. I hit the 20 week mark this weekend and had the big ultrasound this morning. Simon and the girls really wanted to find out the gender but I held strong (although Julia confesses she peeked). We'll find out in a very short and painless ~4.5 months ... patience, young + old grasshoppers. I had been feeling decent so eased up on my nausea medicine but have paid the price this week and am back to praising the wonders of western medicine. This is the latest I've felt this crummy (which is not to complain! I have it very easy compared to so many!!) and I'm going to blame my age ha.

3. I read the super sweet, In The Moonlight this past week and recommend if you're looking for something relatively light and zippy. I just started The Dream Daughter as part of Abbie's February book club and it's feeling less light but already very engaging and I'm super intrigued thus far. I also started watching the Netflix Documentary, "Cheer" and ... can't stop. Even Simon looks up from his book and admits it's really interesting. I'd recommend it but I think everyone has already watched it!

4. Kidizen very kindly made me my own link to the clothes I'm selling - lots have already sold but there are lots left and more to be listed! Hopefully that's less confusing that what I tried to explain last week. My apologies!!

5. As our Lego collection grows (and grows!!) I'm starting to think beyond the big plastic bin the boys lug all over the house. I really do love how much (especially Bosco) enjoys building, "machines" but think I'd love them more with a setup like this ... isn't it lovely? It is.

6. I've been struggling on the dinner front lately. I made two meals I was sure would be hits with mostly everyone but they were not (to put it politely) so if you have any great dinner ideas you'd like to share - I'm all ears/eyes. I think I've linked these before but they're worth a relink - if you have Reeses lovers in your house - these are sure to be a huge hit.

7. The LOFT sale caught my eye (is it just me or do the January sales feel even better than the ~black Friday stuff?) esp these sunglasses, this dress, and this sweater (use code: FLASH for 50% off). And J.Crew seems to really be cleaning house with their markdowns and I'm not complaining. And finally I'm wondering if these boots will be the boots to end my black boot search? I'm hoping!!

Have a wonderful rest of the week!!


  1. Here is a pasta dish that everyone here likes. I like it because it has a little more protein with the cottage cheese than normal pasta dishes!

  2. We use clear plastic drawers and sort by color. It seems to meet the compromise of enouraging creativity and being able to find pieces when we want to build from the instructions. I got ours from Walmart:

  3. I don't know how you can wait each time to find out the gender, you are impressive! I love that your daughter said she peeked, she is my kind of girl!

  4. We all enjoy this (bean-free) sweet potato chili:

    And this taco rice dish:

    And this cheesy southwestern lentil dish, if you have an Instant Pot:

    And this tortellini soup is easy enough for my 8yo to make almost independently, and everyone loves it:

  5. I'm thinking it has be to time for another girl, right?? :)
    Love that Lego storage idea! I'm at the end of my rope with Legos/small house/8-month-old right now.

  6. Congratulations. I love your family. You are so blessed with those beautiful children!
