
02 May 2020

May flowers

1. Re: title -- April didn't have many showers so I'm hoping May doesn't either but we'll see ... we shall see. As shared on IG but I did finally finish this wall and am glad I decided to wait until I found (what I thought) was the perfect wallpaper. Our house doesn't have any stark white (mostly because the trim is very yellowy-beige) so it was tough to find a design that didn't incorporate a super cool/crisp white but Target, of all places, to the off white rescue. The design is SUPER forgiving and if I didn't line the panels up perfectly it's almost impossible to tell (to my design blind eye) and in the event that we have a girl and she eventually gets this room I think it's pretty darn gender neutral. Alright, enough about THAT forever, alright? Alright.

2. We're closing in on a little over 2 weeks (or actually 12 days as a dear friend texted me this morning) left of distance learning (remote learning? home schooling?) and while I wouldn't say our routine is exhaustive or rigorous I think we'll all be a little bit relieved when we cross the finish line. I'm hopeless at teaching the kids new concepts (thankfully Simon is quite a bit more skilled in this arena) and am trying not to imagine a fall semester at home for this reason alone but - let's get through the summer first, G.

3. I got Jen Fulwiler's new book, Your Blue Flame in the mail last week and blew threw it. I'm normally a fiction gal and steer clear of any sort of self-help books (I don't think this would qualify as one, actually but it's not my preferred genre) and now want to casually give a copy to everyone I know because it was so GOOD. Inspiring without trying to be and super entertaining/hilarious to boot. Recommend x 10.

4. Just one day shy of 35 weeks (because that sounds SO much better than 34 weeks - you know? you do) and feeling better than I have in previous weeks? I'm thinking maybe the baby dropped since my heartburn is down to a dull roar vs the bonfire that had been blaring before. My sciatica is also feeling a lot more bearable and I'm sleeping through the night which hasn't always been the case. Party emoji. I'm making mental lists of things I can get done before my due date and hoping some name inspiration strikes soon as we're still coming up sort of short. We do need a new infant car seat so if you have any recommendations (we'd previously always needed a super slim model to fit all the car seats in the car but with a much bigger van now - the car seat world is my oyster!) - I'm all eyes!

5. I know I've blogged about this site before (no way, shape, or form sponsored) but was shocked to log-in and find that I had racked up hundreds of dollars of gift cards (I generally only use it on my laptop but am realizing I should be using it on my phone too) so if you don't use it to find coupon and discount codes (which it does quite well!) - I highly recommend you do! It pays off.

6. These shorts were (still are!) a favorite of mine a few summers ago so took advantage of the sale and bought them a couple sizes up for the postpartum summer. I was intrigued by the old school look of these shoes until I realized they are actually mens but ... that shouldn't stop me? Right? Even though it's warming up I've been living in these jeans and these pants (not at the same time - ha Ha HA) despite not loving maternity pants in general - they're both comfortable and as flattering as things can be in the home stretch.

7. Julia has been asking for denim overall shorts and I finally found a pair that isn't frayed to shreds (says she who just bought frayed shorts for herself) and are a super play-friendly length. She loves them too - win/win. I've been mixing this primer with this illuminating lotion in place of any sort of foundation or tinted moisturizer and etc and it's a super duper winning combo (in my book!). Giving these sandals a try for the little boys this summer - the velcro sold me and so far so good but hopefully they don't break in a matter of days :)

Alright, we're in tackling project mode so back I go!

Happy Saturday!


  1. Can't wait to meet the newest Patton!!

  2. It's pretty wallpaper! And I bought that crib last year (per your recommendation), and we have loved it! :)
